As normally, it is still dark outside, the wind has huffed and puffed all night, flooding is abundant and cannot imagine the number of trees and limbs in roads knowing this day has only begun and Sandy is moving West toward us with more rain and wind. One of the early morning joys I look forward to is scanning my global news media to get a pulse of what is happening in our world. Alas, my first scan this morning was the New York Times where Sandy has been especially violent so assumed would find good stories of heroism, first responders, etc but no, first editorial was about the need for Big Government. Without even reading it was felt anger rile up in my belly.
As the storm unfolded moment by moment on the networks yesterday, it was most reminiscent of me watching Katrina unfold and listening to the lady from Louisiana that anchored CNN during that fateful day get so emotionally involved in the events that she left her role as reporting to that of scolder and attacker; it was not pretty in light of all the real life tragedy we were watching.
Yesterday and into the night I found myself being more angered by the constant insinuated little news comments about linking the Sandy tragedy to the POTUS campaign, how Mr. Obama is acting Presidential which should give him a stronger case with the electorate, how Romney was "forced" to cease campaigning, etc, etc. Yesterday was NOT a day to thread the campaign through the fabric of a major disaster but that is where we have come in this nation of 24/7 news cycles. I watched Anderson Cooper later in the evening trying to create a crevice over a comment by Gov. Christie of New Jersey apparently unhappy with the evacuation actions by the Atlantic City Mayor. The Mayor, rightly, diffused Mr. Cooper's attempt to trigger division in the midst of chaos for the sole purpose of ratings. I was very proud of the Atlantic City mayor's professionalism and coolness under fire.
Our world is incendiary and it is made that way I realize more and more by the insatiable hunger for sound bites to fill the airways. People are killed emasse by this power. Governments are overturned by this magnet of discontent and derision. Mind you, I love news as long as it is objective assuming that is really possible today. I read once that the news is the first blush of history ... wow, so what will our grandchildren be thinking as that blush turns to print which turns to history for them to seek to understand who we really were? I find the European media outlets reporting on US events to be what I consider more centrist thus less politically biased. Der Speigel from Germany, the Economist from the UK, etc are good sources of more objective reporting I have found through the years. I mean, on the day after Sandy to see an NYT front page editorial on the case for Big Government is really astounding to me but alas, that is where we have come.
Here is what I know! I know that I want Nov 6 to come and go for the noise has turned to dull thumps in my brain. I know I want the people still being affected in the says ahead to be covered by God's Precious Hand of love. I know my family is safe and happy. I know both of our children are in great marriages with five wonderful grand kids and a grand dog we all love. I know I love to get to sing praises to the God that surpasses all understanding. I know I am happy with my life, my family, my work, my friends. I know I get to touch peoples' lives in so many ways and in ways I could never have conceived. I know God is good! That is about all I need to know isn't it?
I know what pains me deeply is seeing the mores and values of our nation slandered, demeaned and stomped on. I know that the Scriptures are very blatant and clear on what marriage is and to see the exact opposite seeking to judicially and legislatively be made the norm is, well, wrong. I know that a marriage is between one man and one woman and nothing will nor could nor should change that. To have a POTUS election where that is central to the ideologies of the candidates is sickening to me. I know there are those that adamantly oppose my views on this matter but wrong is wrong and right is right; it really is just that simple to me. Same sex marriage is Biblically wrong!
I will close by wishing each of you a sincere hope for safety this day with so many millions without power and knowing so much flooding will be terrible in the days ahead. Pray for these people! Pray for our nation and our leaders. Pray for people that cannot help themselves. Pray for peace. God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me! Amen?