I have chosen to leave the TV off, not spend much time on FB and have scanned the morning news paper for wherever you turn you see nothing but the joyous celebration of same sex marriage now the Law of the Land in America in all fifty states and territories. This same week we have seen a flawed health care Federal system validated by that same Supreme Court rendering in fact that the United States Government is the central control and clearing house for a family's health from birth to death. This has been a banner week for the U.S Constitution around the Equal Protection Clause defined as:
The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws."
In disconnecting from the flood of joy, I have taken that time to do two fundamental things this morning beginning with praying for our scarred, torn, divided, backward stepping nation in which I have lived, loved, worked, fought for, served and represented for sixty-seven years of my life. As my wife and were just talking, remembering as Christians we are to hate the sin but not the sinner, that is a very hard test track for me to run on please know but please know as well I try. Growing up around alcoholism, I grew to hate the smell, the hint and the jokes about alcohol so the issue of staying ever mindful of being charged to hate the sin and not the sinner was, for me, was and is still one of the great battles of my life. The second thing I have done today is seek quiet, peace and calm. I have gone through my FB friend list to "thin the herd" with the main caveat being how well do I know this person and do their FB posts lift and encourage or incite. It is a great exercise I highly recommend to each of you.
In our nation, as Christians, I believe I have landed on a fundamental reality that has been spoken of my whole life, preached about, sung about and that is that there would come a time when Christians and our beliefs would be challenged and hasten persecution for what we believe. As Americans, we have a central, overarching document that has been fought for and over called the Constitution. Every law, ever act by either branch of our triumvirate form of government is always viewed through the lens of the language of that Constitution. So like it or not, the Constitution is very clear that every citizen is due equal protection under the law. Many nations where I have traveled do not assure that so we are blessed to live in this nation.
But here is the conundrum for We the Christian; true we live under the weight and protection of the Constitution but we also have God's clear Word on certain principles with one of those being the definition of marriage between one woman and one man. Pastors across this land will now face a choice; marry gay people or face legal action or leave the ministry and we are seeing hoards of ministers doing exactly that. I predict the anvil the Government will use and will soon be forthcoming with be the elimination of the 501C3 tax deductible giving for church tithes and offerings further seeking to choke the life out of organized churches seeking to maintain adherence to God's laws. The pressure churches and church leaders will be in the near term will be overwhelming and litigation lawyers will make it a gold mine as they always do.
For what it is worth, for all the warnings of pastors for a century, the warnings are now here. So what will We the Christians do; shirk and run or stand and remain vigilant to God's Word. As for me and my house, We will Serve the Lord. I pray for church leaders across this land as they face the alligator swamps now opened as flood gates.
I know many people that claim and are quite proud to be called gay. I respect them as people, and many of my former students fall in this group. But I cannot imagine what resides across the horizon that is going to be best for my grandchildren; my legacy. Values are birthed and cultivated in the home with the husband and wife; not Mike and Chuck with adopted children or artificially inseminated women. It is the child and that generation I am deeply concerned with and about.
So the battle cry is up, the Christian flag unfurled so how do we stay true to our Christian call while still remaining good citizens knowing the Bible tells us you cannot serve two masters for either you will serve and hate the other? That is a powerful ? mark for each of us. I just have this sick revulsion in my belly in seeing my nation where it resides and the leadership is aiming it at even greater depths. We face a troubled future but then when have Christians ever faced a joyous future on this earth, right? Our true joy resides when with Christ in our eternal home. We will get through this but not unscathed for this hoopla is in direct violation of God's clear Word! He will have the final say so with that, my stomach feels less sick.
Feel free to pass this along to whomever you wish, male, female, LGBT, astronauts, etc etc. As for me and my house We will SERVE the Lord. That has never been more true. I wish each of you a great weekend and never forget, we are Special!