Sitting here looking at the beautiful blanket of glistening snow, I feel like that little boy in Alabama the first time I remember seeing, feeling and yes, tasting snow. I had to have been about seven or eight so what did I do? Got me a shovel and started door-to-door asking if they wanted their sidewalks shoveled. My first day haul of cash was $18 early 1950 bucks; it was heaven so I loved snow from the start; economically! I guess you could say I developed a passion for business early and that has remained to this day. Just thought I would share that little morsel of my life!
This week has been, well, another most interesting dose of the strangeness of our new world in our new century. So many Americans, including me, are caught up in the Republican debates for we realize another four years of the current transforming presidential leadership will land us in 1920esque Russia and I do not use that analogy loosely. It was interesting to watch Newt tear CNN news moderator's spleen out for the world to see with the very first question about Newt's personal life and to hear the raucous applause and cheers in support Newt's angry attack. I thought the question out of place and ill timed as well but it was, the moment, the scowl, the focused energy the lightning bolt of the debate and continues to abound with pundits, columnists and opinionators. Just read three stories in NY Times all devoted, now, to the issues around "open" marriage as a possible way to stem the escalating divorce trend .... how sick is that?
Soldiers shot out of the air this week with barely a media whimper. The stock markets are at best wallowing around the no growth level. The Middle East and Syria specific continues to kill its people with total disregard even from warnings from the Arab League. Iran, well, that should be enough said. A drunken sea captain finding himself the worst human on earth for leaving his ship but waiting on dessert to be deliver to he and his lady dining partner while the ship began its murky submerging. Are you getting my point; yet another week of dismal, heart breaking news. But the world spins on its axis and life just, well, goes on!
On the bright side for me this has been a great week for my classes as I see the teams forming well and working well together. That little gem is the joy of the work I get to do in seeing small groups of students in a relatively short period of days transform into operational units actively embracing a heavy load of work and enjoying the journey. What a joy to witness that semester after semester! I am more and more encouraged by these young minds for I realize all over again that our future is bright and that as importantly, students want structure, they want respect and they want feedback; three powerful incentives!
This has been a week when I have felt better physically but have felt much worse so in the main, a great week. Getting to be in our nice home, warm, great breakfast consumed, our time with God in our devotional concluded for another day, prayed for this day and our church services tomorrow and for a little girl that was seriously injured in a sledding accident last evening with our grandchildren; our week continues to be filled with good and not so good but still filled with life.
Life is great! This morning I am touched all over again with the stories of my students and the challenges many of them much daily overcome just to come to my class, embrace the work, withstand my frankness and energy in the educational process as they seek to better themselves; what a blessing to witness. Today, regardless of what is going on in your life, find a way to grasp the beauty of this life which is a gift from a God that loves us in spite of ourselves at times. Find a way to show something special to someone that needs it but would never express it. Just listening is a powerful force!
Hey, and I know right now next week will be yet another week of events, challenges, opportunities and highs and lows! Be blessed!!!!
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