Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Taste of Our World

As I sit here with the sun flowing through my back windows at the close of another day and with my speaking and singing voice now have moved back to Alabama instead of remaining here in Ohio with me, silence this day has given me time to assess some of the flavors of our world.  The courses to the meal are many with North Korea yet again rattling her missiles,  the racial divide in our nation continues to widen from the tragedy in Florida,  the political rhetoric continues to escalate to the point I am about to just quit listening ... but, you know, life is really pretty good isn't it?  That is a serious question so let it soak into the pores for a little while in your own part of this universe.

I realize a fatal flaw that has pretty much always been part of me is this insatiable need to want to understand Why something is as it appears.  I realize, therefore, I will over think things and people. I admit it. I have a problem. I care too much some time I suppose but hey, if you are going to admit you have a problem, that one is not too bad, is it?

When I think about all the global shifts and pangs of worry and fear I can get absorbed.  But more importantly when I focus on those around me that are hurting, fearful, disappointed, threatened, and scared about the tomorrows, then I realize how blessed my family truly is.  Four students this semester from the same class have and are experiencing some really terrible issues in their own lives or in the lives of those that they love. They are experiencing the power of Why in such things as will I walk again, will my life be changed forever for medical issues, will family hurts and anger create an even more horrific situation, etc?  All pertinent questions and all very real and all in my world where I live and invest my time, effort and prayer.  People are hurting. People are scared. People are hopeful. People are determined.  People make other people either better or worse.  As the Bible teaches us, as iron sharpens iron, so does Man sharpens Man. 

So my Taste of Our World is having an awe inspiring renewal of the power of a Loving God that is there; HE IS ALWAYS THERE FOR ME!  I know He is there.  I hurt when I see the waves of life wash over my loved ones and my students but do not see the reliance on that Loving God to calm the fears and dissipate the worries of this life.  I do thank God for the wonderful flavors on my taste buds of this wonderful thing called life.  See, I am blessed and yes, I know it. 

So for those that toss a small rock at me for seeming to always write about the negatives of this world, the sun, the day, the air I get to breathe and the work I still get to do leave me with this sense of good in this world.  A song that is out now sung by Jeff Easter is entitled, I Get To!  In that song he talks about having to mow the grass when he was a boy but now that he is a man and his dad has had a heart attack, he gets to mow the grass.  That song is so compelling to me.  I guess you have to live long enough to realize the things you no longer have to do but you get to do them for the right reasons.  That is how I would sum my life in tasting my world; I get to do what I love to do be it teaching, singing, encouraging, loving and yes, living.  

That is what I call a pretty good deal!  I pray you can translate that into your own life.


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