As week when the weather finally cleared, there were a few men with kites on the beach flying them. In my whole life I have nerve been able to life a kite to flight status and believe, me, I have tried. I watched the technique in the ocean driven winds and cross winds. Generally the kits were small and seemingly inexpensive but I saw the methodical easiness of the kites using their wrist moments to slowly bring the kite to differing heights. I was mesmerized with the gentle dips and pulls of the kites controlled by the kiter on the ground so easy and gentle in the maneuvering.
In watching these successful listings I found myself captivated with the metaphor of kiting to life. A little wind to lift the sales of the kites, a small, light cord that connects the kite to the kiter but also the skill of the kiter wrapped with patience as he maneuvered the winds and cross currents of the wind to see his handiwork begin to elevate. It was really a spectacle of craftsmanship unfolding before from my balcony peach. When the kite reached it apex, I like the kiter, seemed to really enjoyed the gentle manipulation to exercise the airborne flight. It was really an exercise in beauty and gentleness. I found myself comparing the work of the kiter and the work of the human caught in the strong cross currents of life.
The tether holder is our Lord and Savior and the umbilical cord held gently by the kiter is our Lord and Savior. As the kites, we ebb and flow at times even crashing into destruction. But even then the kiter steadily picks up the kite, repairs any damage and back to the windswept beach to get that kite airborne once more; the place where the kite is designed to be.
Yesterday I attended a Catholic funeral a the loss of a very dear friend, then sat for a few hours a the hospital of a friend undergoing potentially harsh surgery and then into over three hours of musical practice; yesterday was mentally and physically exhausting but I kept having this ensure that I was that kite and the string was the people of my life including family but the first hand on that string was my Jesus so I know I was in great hands. Staying with the metaphor, it was, after all, a really great day for I landed safely, accomplished my agenda and finish well in preparation for another day of being knocked around by the winds of this life.
As kites, and we are, who or what is our tether. Who is the one manipulating the tether cord to get me to the heights God has for me today? For me, those answers are easily to provide. I suggest you taking a few minutes as this day begins to unfolds to assess the players in your daily kite flight this day."and it may surprise what the Lord has done."
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