Well, as we move toward the ending of another event-filled week, I continue to take pause to ponder where our nation is really headed. The partisan rancor continues unabated. The POTUS is now managing the nation via Executive Orders versus the Constitutionally mandated legislative process thus assuming the role of "king" instead of President. We have a POTUS inaugural soon and it is actually sad to remember just four years ago with all the thousands crowding into Washington for the event, all the rhetoric but, this year, feels more like somebody dropped a bowling ball with a large, dull thump. The energy has left the building as has legislative process it would seem.
But hey, it is a beautiful Saturday morning here in Northeast Ohio, I get to see my grandson play basketball today, I get to sing to a group of widow and widowers at my church and I get to socialize with friends from my church tonight; now that makes for a great day. A mega event for me was yesterday in sitting with a distinguished veteran of WWII that was highly decorated but as he unpacked his story via Q&A, and I always have lots of Q, he calmly told me of dangerous feats as though he were filling his car with gas. No pretense, no chest beating; just plain, simple, down-to-earth telling me of his story that led to his awarding of the Distinguished Flying Cross for action over Sicily against the Germans in support of Patton's move north toward Italy. I left there awed, humbled and proud all over again to be an American. My departure from him was a handshake, a crisp hand salute and a gentle hug with tears from both of us for the hour we had gotten to invest in each other. Art Rohr; an American hero ... and my new friend!
I find almost daily wondering about just how far into the pit our nation will go before hitting bottom and begin moving toward the light of prosperity and joy. I realize that more and more I find people simply unhappy, downtrodden, hopeless and scared. I see in the jail work a growing sense of it almost being alright to break the law, serve the time which means they are protected, fed and are perfectly comfortable living off the dole of the taxpayer funding. I see it in my students that take the easy route to their course work meaning they do not commit to the journey, seek ways to escape the challenge and accountablity; all indicators that the future is less bright than it otherwise could or should be.
There is so much to be frustrated and even angry about. But you know, there is so much to be over joyed and thankful for. Health is a major one. Just this week I saw a great friend that had fallen in the parking lot at church, eighty years old, more concerned about his crying wife than he was about his possible injuries; that was love unbounded and so heartwarming. Just this week I had time with a dear friend that is really struggling with major health issues witnessing his love for our Savior to those that would enter his room. So yes, for me, this has been a great week. I have gotten to know a hero, a friend and a mutal Christ-follower in the midst of pain and turmoil in their lives lift me to a new perch of being proud of my life, my health, my family, my Christianity.
As mother used to say that we never know what a day will bring. Today, while we know not what this day will bring, I know that whatever it brings we can deal with it for I Know Who Holds Tomorrow and I Know Who Holds My Hand ... amen?? Um Hummmm!
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