Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tenacity --- the Squirrel Metaphor

Of late, with the snow finally gone, we hope, and since the time change, my wife and I continue to be amazed at watching the tenacity, concentration and ingenuity of the squirrels attacking our "squirrel resistant" bird feeder.  Let me say now that Man cannot design a bird feeder that is squirrel free I have grown to realize after many dollars invested in that failed venture.  If there is food, the squirrel WILL find a way through gravity, geometry, grit and gall to get to the food; it is amazing to me!

This morning I was impressed with the word Tenacity in watching the squadrons of squirrels consolidate their positions, sent out their cavalry scout to examine the find which is the chocked full of yummy bird food in the feeder, begin the days theatrics to get to the food.  A definition I found of tenacious is:  Not easily dispelled or discouraged; persisting in existence or in a course of action.  Truer words of description were never penned to capture the power of the nature of a hungry squirrel.  I have shot them with BB guns, hit them with bananas, chased them, shouted at them; but still they come ... TENACIOUS!

Then as we were finishing up our morning devotional and I could see this unfolding outside our back windows on the patio, I found myself simply mesmerized by all the work that squirrels invest for such a relatively small reward.   I was so impressed and imbued by this tenacious spectacle that the reality of that work of the squirrel really is a metaphor for each us in our lives be it spiritually, economically, emotionally, etc!  So the question, how tenacious are you, really?

Tenacity carries with it a kinetic mandate meaning that whatever it takes, the modicum of reward will be found worthy.  When I think about singing, for example, I know for me I invest great numbers of hours working on a song. I listen to the demo track perhaps hundreds of times, not for the joy of the song, but for seeking how God will impress the message of that song into my heart and my soul. If I do not experience that "moment" when I feel that song melt into my heart, I will leave that song and not invest any further time into it.  The power of the song to minister to me, believing that that same sense of ministering will translate to others in hearing the song, is a powerful component for me on the journey to selecting a song to really learn.

Once that "moment" is felt in my heart meaning the ego of singing the song is not existent as it was for far too many years, I then invest many hours in "feeling the music, the rhythms, the lyrics leading to feeling deeply the MESSAGE of that story for a song is always a story.  Once that "story" affects me with tears and a sense of warmth and worth, I know the song is about to be integrated and internalized into my whole being.  Yes, a song is not just a song like that bird food for Mr. Squirrel is not just food but rather that song for me is a step closer to my Jesus believing that that song delivered flawlessly at His anointing will carry a powerful spiritual experience for the listener.  See the metaphor with Mr. Squirrel's tenacity in going after the food?

If you think about your own life, what are you tenacious about?  Is it singing, your children, fishing, hunting, basketball, jail ministry, etc, etc?  Whatever you are tenacious about, there your real energy will be invested, right?  I, by nature, am a passionate, tenacious person which some people love about me and others, well, don't.  I am tenacious about organizing work for it to be as efficient as possible. I am tenacious about my grand kids. I am tenacious in finding and seeking ways for God to use me in any way that is pleasing to God for in that I am rewarded with a sense of peace, joy and accomplishment.

So on this beautiful Spring day, squirrels included, I am tenacious about eight jail services for next weekend, about The Pathway Quartet singing tomorrow night, about putting together a benefit concert for the Stark County Jail Ministry, for the next step of the unfolding process that began two weeks ago with the organizational restructuring process in Houston, with what God will open for me to do effectively for His Glory at my church in the days ahead, for being the best grand father I can be to my grand kids, to be a mentor to former students many are so happy but far too many carrying heavy burdens of the past ... for life!  Tenacity has no bounds and I believe no limits but to be tenacious requires choice, focus and energy forward.  I witness a dear friend in the throws of a terrible disease tenaciously fight that awful illness but even in the midst of terrible pain lift prayers of thanks for his friends, for his family and asked me to sing him a song about Jesus; that is tenacity. So I ask again, what really are you tenacious about? 

Thank you Lord, for saving my soul
Thank you Lord, for making me whole
Thank you Lord, for giving to me
They great salvation so RICH AND FREE

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