As I have now watched the hearings on the IRS, the continuing smoke generation on Benghazi, the now brought to light government over reaching of personal phone and data information I am simply appalled. Then to see POTUS appoint an already publicly disgraced Susan Rice to head the NSA in the midst of all of this garbage was, for me, the capper. My faith in our government has now plummeted to an all time low and I am the eternal optimist.
I have sought to trust the Administration for that is what my Bible tells me I am to do. I have prayed for my leaders and for their wisdom. I have fought the convulsive anger welling inside me about the breadth of how bad all this really is and tried to rationalize that the issues are just news fodder and that we will all be alright. That bubble of belief is for me shattered irrevocably.
My trust in this President and his henchmen is gone. This all hearkens to the Kremlin or Gestapo abuses and misdeeds that none of us could ever have imagined, me at least, would in fact be part of my very own nation's leadership reality. We anger at Wall Street and the bailouts or the billions given to Chrysler and GM while the big bankers were bailed out and then billions in bonuses paid for poor leadership. All of that pales to the breadth of the poison, corruption and downright lying we the citizens and taxpayers of this nation are seeing exposed now daily.
Now there will be those, friends of mine, that no doubt view my words through the lens of racism because everything sense this man Obama has been in office, any opposing views have been countered by the stench of racism. I may be called many things but a racist is certainly not one of them. It is my now confirm belief that this man is vile, dangerous, demonic and with a socialization agenda that surpasses our worst nightmares for the facts are becoming blatant with these ever increasing revelations. That is the good news for the bad is that I am convinced there are much and many more yet to be made public; but the depth of this debacle of a POTUS will come to light I am now convinced for the truth will, in fact, set you free.
For me, this POTUS is in a class far worse than Nixon ever could have been. I realized as I sit here this morning and my anger is not anger at all but rather a final resolve that this man and his circle of truly vile and malcontents bent on some vision for this nation totally not conceived by our Founders. My perspective on the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Dempsey, is more of a crony and less of a countervailing force to a POTUS bent on structurally changing this nation. Nations need the military leadership to serve as a backboard to bring logic to an irreverent or aberrant political machine. A great nation needs both meaning strong, clear, forward focused political and military leadership to create a balance. I see no evidence of balance, frankly. That is scary!
I will close with my belief that any American in any way watching the morass unfold undeniably feels fear. The IRS is in and of itself an agency of fear. To see how mismanaged and arrogant the leadership blatantly is sickens us all. To know our government openly lies to we the people on murders of our Ambassadorial staffs or stiff arms commercial enterprises to give over we the peoples' personal information is beyond the horizon of fear. In my lifetime, never have I felt such disdain for a POTUS personally and professionally as this POTUS has managed to elicit so deeply inside me.
All of that is the good news for I am convinced that bad news is yet to see the light of day. This Inspector General George has been stellar in his calm fact-based responses. The Congress via the hearings has actually restored a long lost sense of pride, especially Mr. Issa, that the process can and does work. But the scorecard must read when it is all done, simply, okay, now what will be different? With this national leadership example, I think the workings will only be more dismaying and frightful and please know how badly I hate seeing those words come from me!
Our nation has lost its political, ethical footing; that alone is really sad. But the complicity on a grand scale is appalling to me. Having worked a nearly four decade career in a Fortune 100 company and the tough decisions that have to be made and actually implemented with measurable results and to see this lack of credible management systems and accountability on such a daunting scale is atrocious. What I have witnessed via CSPAN makes me angry and utterly sick to my stomach. To see the fundamental lessons of Civics and American Government taught our children dashed to badly and so publicly is beyond reproach and a punishment commensurate to this arrogance should be exacted as example for future generations. But, alas, that will not happen.
We the Citizens are getting what we deserve unfortunately. We the Citizens need to return to the principles of our God-inspired Founders wisdom and eradicate those that would choose to grow fat on our tax dollars and display complete uncaring for the citizenry of this once great nation. Our legacy of greatness as a nation and calmer of the world is tarnished and not sure if this stain will be permanent or not. It is we that will determine that reality!
It is up the us, the younger generation to try to change this around. There are far to many baby-boomers left in executive and official seats that make decisions for our future but have no means to do so. Sure they have the credentials and experience to be in these positions, but what the biggest problem is that they are making decisions on OUR future based on THEIR experience and knowledge. The younger generations will be forced to pick up the pieces of their mishaps and that will further take away from our ability to be successful in this market. Wasting time on fixing their problems rather than innovating and working with a clean slate. By no means are you racists when you are stating facts. The internet has hurt the government in other countries such as Egypt and what we are seeing now in Turkey so in my mind it is only a matter of time until the same situation happens here in the great USA. Keep preaching Jim! We are listening!
ReplyDeleteSo...what are we going to do. We have two who thinks that if Obama has a bowel movement, it should be revered and the other one is worried about his son's pink underpants and apparently thinks about little else. Quite frankly, we are screwed.