Wednesday, October 8, 2014

"Inevitable .." Same Sex Marriage

Yesterday was a day I will remember for a while.  The announcement or pronouncement is more like it that the Supreme Court of our nation decided not to hear same sex marriage cases from five states was received with great joy and celebration on the news networks, cities and towns in America; I was deeply saddened. I heard the CNN Jeff Toobin that covers the SCOTUS say that with the now thirty of the fifty States approving legally same sex marriage and that in those thirty States, sixty percent of the US population resides, that it is "inevitable" that all fifty States will allow same sex marriage in the near future negating the need for a SCOTUS ruling that would cover the United States; all fifty.  
As I processed that during the day yesterday, I found myself saddened and, yes, even more concerned with the direction, pace and trajectory of our nation at a societal level.  I think all of this came closer to my heart in getting to teach twenty-one high school seniors in a Christian school for the last three days. During that time I saw true hunger to learn housed in abundant manners and respect and sheltered in the arms of daily Bible readings to the entire school and corporate prayer from the Superintendent's office; the leadership!  In working with thousands of students, college level students, in the last ten years, I felt this sense of confliction in this small group of young people about face a tumultuous world with conflicting values and mores.  I think the world of every student I have been honored to work with over the last decade but I am not too old or too stupid not to realize via Facebook, emails, etc, that many of my former students are in gay relationships, living unmarried, etc, etc.  So sadly, that is rapidly becoming the new norm.
In thinking so much of the students for the time invested with each of them, it is so easy to simply forget or choose not to see that fact that some of their chosen lifestyles is quite frankly, morally wrong.  But it is the degree and depth of societal acceptance that is most concerning to me. So all the "inevitability" of our entire nation supposedly will acquiesce into allowing same sex marriages to become the norm just does not sit right with me at the heart. I know what Scripture says which is abundantly clear that marriage is a union between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreating and the biology and physiology our Creator devised allows that to take place.  Now when I see and hear of same sex, women, married and both are pregnant from sperm banks and with an already existing child or two adopted in that "family, I marvel at how in the world will any of those children define "normal" as they paths unfold on this life journey?
For me the SCOTUS decision was another ax chop to our society and, worse, had to have been another major disappointment to our Creator.  No wonder our jails and prisons are overflowing, Americans are killing each other at record levels, drug addiction grows and worsens each year, etc.  It is almost humorous to me, sadly, that if one takes a position on an issue based on Scriptural foundation on social media such as Facebook,  you can know the hailstorm of cynicism  and blatant animosity ushers forth toward the person taking a stand, such as myself, will be harsh, rude and disrespecful.  When I find myself in the cross hair of the criticism for taking a position I know to be right in God's Word, I solace myself from the withering fire with one of my life Principles: if you do what what you have always done, you get what you have always gotten and seconded with, if you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything.
Americans, generally I sense, have chosen to stop fighting for what is right in God's view and from His Word. Call me what you wish but I call myself a man that studies the Bible and seeks to live within the foundations and boundaries of those Words.  As I think about that group of twenty-one Christian-schooled young minds and the world they will face soon, I  can only commit to praying for their choices, their lives and their testimonies that will highlight the learning they have been blessed to receive in an environment seeking to do and to be in God's Will.
I will close with what I have written before:  Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong and no amount of Wrong will ever make a Wrong, Right!  So my critics can just have at it from that platform.  Someone had the audacity to indicate yesterday via a FB shot that the Constitution supersedes the Bible for the Constitution is more current and modern.  Lest we forget that the framers of the Constitution were men that sought God's Will and Words in the crafting of the Constitution.
Some time I just have to shake my head in wonder!

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