I find myself taking more time in absorption in last few months and less time in putting to words in the near term my concerns and hopes. There are so many seemingly contradictory forces abounding that the world seems a whirl.
The jaunt of the DOW just this week has been dizzying and frightening but so very predictable as the Chinese economy has been overheated for far too long and it is demanding a correction. What people now realize more clearly, I hope, is that China is not that backwater, rickshaw country where everybody works in a tea or rice field. China is a major global economic force AND is the holder of the largest trove of sovereign debt led by the United States treasuries, gold and foreign currencies. Their unpegging of their currency, the Yuan, has been pined about for years for it was pegged to the US$. Well, they did and we see what it launched; chaos! I wish to use that as the backdrop or back story to my thoughts this morning for it illustrates how interconnected and yet still quite uninformed of our world in this ever meandering tectonic shifting or national boundaries, desires and drives.
The killings of yesterday in Virgina is beyond tragic for it was brought glaringly to our television screens with the poisonous coloration of the history of the shooter, his anger, his desire to go out with a splash. That splash illustrates, I believe, the unexplainable power of this thing called social media. I cannot imagine Zuckerberg ever imagined where his FB invention would end up meaning becoming a primary communication currency in a world seemingly gone mad. But ISIL has mastered its power, politicians led by the Commander-in-Tweet has learned to craft policy via 140 characters blasted incessantly from the White House. There is something just not right about any of that as I view it but then, it is what it is!
Then there is the ebb and flow clashing of the mix of guns and mental health. A few people get shot up and the NRA goes quiet waiting for the storm to pass for it always passes. Then the flow of the ebb quickly flows to the issue of mental health so if you add guns to mental health; what we are too used to hits us in the face on ever shortening spans it seems.
Let me be frank: YES, we have a mental health tsunami in this nation. YES, we have a gun tsunami in this nation and when you fold the two together, we are left with a catastrophic elixir with no satisfactory conclusion. That is the definition of a Conundrum as I view it.
Then there is the axis of Politics that stirs the pot of dissent, hate, hopelessness, fear and doubt; that describes the general American view of Washington; certainly my view. I have lost confidence in the Legislative Branch as well as the Executive Branch and, oh yes, the Judicial Branch so that pretty much sums to I have lost confidence in the governmental system our Founders created. The result is weak diplomacy, poor economic policy, tepid foreign policy, suspicion by our allies and our enemies view us as a much easier target. Other than that I guess things are about perfect!
The sideshow called the 2016 Presidential Campaign has been upended by Mr. Trump for his brash, bombastic yet fresh and no-holds-barred approach to the core issues our nation faces and continues to created is resonating with the electorate. Discount him, demean him, cast doubt on his legitimacy but fact remains; Americans are listening. BONUS, his is using his money and not creating more strings attached to Superpacs, Koch Brothers, etc, etc. That part I am LOVING! No NASCAR driver suits with a hundred brands sewn on it will be part of the Trump Triumph it appears at this juncture. He literally appears to have his own Elephant candidates fearful to stand up and take a shot at him thus they are all being viewed as weak. This great concern about Trump destroying the Republican Party; well perhaps it is time that and the other Party were destroyed you think?
Here is all I know, I am deeply, deeply concerned for and by my nation for the concern goes quickly to the amazingly terrible leadership. Oh yes, let us not forget, which many have, that the infamous Iran Nuclear Pact clock is ticking for a vote by the Congress. But now Congress is threatening yet another government shutdown as leverage on a completely different tangent. Direction? Who knows!
I wish to think We the People deserve better but perhaps not!
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