The title for this blog seems to capture this deeply rooted sense that the world, as we know it, is certainly transforming at a pace and depth most could never have imagined. I certainly am not Catholic but I am a born again Christian and will never regret that announcement to any and all that would see it and hear it. Watching the never ending TV coverage of a mere human in a white uniform be treated as a holy man with healing powers, people hanging on every syllable just baffled me quite frankly. This all transcends partisan politics even though that divide with leap into confluence in the next few hours as this Pope heads to Congress tomorrow to address We the People from that Congressional pulpit. I find that irksome so you can know!
There are seemingly so many tsunamis crashing toward each other such as blatant Russian aggression now in Syria in military support of Bashar al Assad. This will translate, over time, as Russia being more dominate in Middle Eastern oil-driven nations; Russian dominance all while America is under a hands-off POTUS and Congress. This week is a major Jewish holiday in celebration of their new year. I find that an interesting integer in the equation of geopolitical events. Four million displaced refugees from Syria seeking a place to call a home and far too many nations turn their backs; a price will be paid for this!
As the US POTUS electioneering is escalating and the field is thinning, I cannot escape this sense that Rome is burning as so many of Nero's instruments are playing and we are therefore not focused on the core matters that face our nation and our world. In watching Obama and his wife with this Pope, I am reminded of his hand kissing toward at the inception of his Presidency to the oil-rich kings in the Middle East as he apologized for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are still paying for that poorly call game plan play I believe.
America since 9/11 and with the entrance of Obama under a huge electoral mandate has seen our global and internal status take unheard of steps backward. Celebration of LGBT, same sex marriage etc, in programming, commercials, movies; it just staggers my mind and causes my heart to hurt. But alas, that is the Obama Game Plan playing out via the auspices of the US Congress and the SCOTUS as the backstop. Our nation will be a heavy price for this craziness and we the Christians will certainly be made the focus of more litigation, bullying, misogynous idealism as the days go forward.
At sixty-seven years old, I am dumbfounded at the pace of deterioration of my nation. I am thankful to attend a church where the Bible is preached boldly and societal issues that are now promoted or ignored are strongly preached and taught from pulpits and lecterns and songs of praise to a living God are freely absorbed. PRAISE GOD for that!
I will end this blog simply; God is in control, it is His game plan and we know who wins in the end!
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