Another day of rhetoric, news conferences, partisan poison and still, now less than a week away from what is posed as a global disaster remains, well, unfixed. That is a sad testimony but when you take the 30,000 foot view of it all, globally, it is actually rather predictable. So let us walk up that tall escalator and take a look down on the cauldron boiling more dangerously with each passing hour.
For nearly five years my students will attest to the dialog of the emergence of the BRIC as the world's most powerful and potent trading bloc and political and military force on earth. That BRIC, Brazil, Russia, India, China and now South Africa is the power of the 21st century. For that power to be transferred, the 20th century powers, the USA and the EU pretty much have to either capitulate or go through a process that strips those nations of their wealth and global esteem, right? Voila, the predicate that is driving this stripping is debt. The USA is stagnate and seemingly inept at taking control of the traditional gearing of change to the point the USA and the EU are now victims of that incapability as I view it. Debt, Debt, DEBT is the cancer that is eating the life out of the traditional "Western" powers that have driven the last half of the 20the century. Bottom line ... the new chapter to the global history is being written in pain, agony and frustration but, basically, very predictable.
I am the world's greatest optimist and nobody loves his country any more than I but I am also a student of history and an intense viewer of events and dot connection. There are far too many dots now connecting that have been spoken about and written about four now over four decades that I know of for I have lived six of those decades.
For me I believe there is a tremendous Biblical implication on and in this whole unfolding. Our country has become more and more Godless in our actions, education and preparation for the future. Much can be blamed but I believe in my heart we, as a nation, have turned from our God in so many ways and we are reaping the fruits of that turning away. Is this mess fixable? Absolutely but that fix resides not in Washington DC but in the pages of the Scriptures. We have banned prayer. We have banned any public display of God, the Commandments, etc. We have a whole generation or two with literally no foundation in the root structure of Christianity that was the foundation of this democracy at its Founding. So why then should we be surprised, right?
I heard a young US Senator from South Carolina comment today ..." it is dangerous to loiter at the crossroads of history ...! He nailed it for that is exactly what we are doing and impotent to change that reality. Can I get a witness?
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