This first post, a maiden voyage, is a major step I am taking. I am taking it for a host of reasons with one being that many have asked me to do something like this for the last couple of years. Secondly and probably most importantly is that this will provide me a platform from which to give my thoughts on the events occuring daily in our world along with my belief in how that event impacts each reader personally and spiritually.
My fundamental thesis is that nothing happens in isolation thus what is happening, like shrapnel, touches each of us in varying ways which may be a good thing or a very bad thing. That thesis also is framed for me in the Word of God which is our Bible. In a world where same sex marriage, homosexuality, divorce rates, mass murders, etc, etc, can be rationalized as normal for our today culture, the fact is these and many other things are abominations to our Creator and there is a consequence to face as we read about time and again from the Scripture.
So with this daily post, you will get both my thoughts on the articles I select from credible media, I believe, such as the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, the Financial Times, Der Speigel, and several others and my perspective on the events' implication and Biblical meaning. I realize that can be treacherous ground to walk upon but I believe it ground worth navigating. If you do not agree with my translation, please let me know respectfully please for this is blog is built on respect which I will always stand up and expect responses to be the same, please.
I have prayed about this as a ministry and as a platform so let us begin this journey. I will post something each day, perhaps twice on certain days. Your input is both sought and appreciated. May God's Will be done through this venture which, for me, is a labor of love and an instrument of education for education changes minds that changes hearts.
Be blessed!
Hey hey! glad you finally found a medium to post with!