In Canton, today and tomorrow, much will be celebrated, painful as it will be, for the resting of a young Perry Township Marine killed last Saturday in Afghanistan. Flags will wave, tears will be shed, hand salutes rendered, memories will flood, questions will be asked; that whole panorama of human emotion will be tapped. I did not know that young man but I hurt for his family. The loss of a soldier elicits deep thoughts of emotion when my mind is immediately taken back to my generational war in Vietnam and the friends I grew up with that were killed. Or if not killed were changed forever upon their return which I saw up close and personally.
Having worn that warrior cloth for many years and led many men in that uniform, I am also colored by the burden of responsibility the squad leaders, platoon sergeants, young officers, field grades ... leaders that send these young men and women in harm's way knowing the potential that is ever present. That is responsibility in its truest sense I believe. So to this young Marine that will now rest, to his family that will remember through fears, frustration and anger at differing times, all we can do is say thank you, lift you in our prayers and pray for our political and military leaders in their decision making that leads to this sort of reality.
To Marine Patron ... Present Arms! ...... hold it! .... Order Arms! which, we know, are the commands for a sharp military hand salute. We salute you Marine, all the Marines and all our protectors guarding the fence line of this great nation.
From that platform, the craziness of the markets, the politics, the global shifting all pale in significance as we realize, at the ground level, people die and die horribly or perhaps even worse are scarred physically and mentally forever. So it is my greatest prayer that via all the craziness of our world today that perhaps the reality of how our youth is being used will be a clearer pathway of understanding on the question of WHY are we doing what we are doing!
Pray for our leaders as distasteful as that might feel at times in today's craziness but pray we must for God's Will and Guidance on these decision makers, legislators, judges, commanders! I am recommitting to that daily vigil more fervently than before.! So Marine Patron ... Rest, Sir!
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