We have all heard the adage about one must pick your battles. I am one that firmly believes that even though I will tend to end up fighting an eclectic set of foes at times yet as my hair continues its journey toward total whiteness, I acknowledge I am becoming more selective in the battles I fight. But fighting a battle is a good thing for it for it causes all resources to be inventoried, marshaled and focused / aimed in a common direction. Got it!
As I watch this political climate continue to deteriorate due to what I believe to be because of a lack of real political will, fighting the battle, and even worse, appearing to target no battle is simply inciting to me. There are hosts of battles to be fought but what I long to see is PICK ONE, please! Americans are fighters ... when we finally have to fight. Americans are aching for a fight I believe; this one is at least. I want to go ye therefore and slay the dragons of debt, corruption, entitlement manipulation and more than any of them, the lack of delivery of real education to a whole generation that will be faced with managing the resources of this Earth in the next fifty years. Let's go fight for something, please.
When I watch the unfolding of the debt ceiling crisis, the Super Committee which will be a farce of mega proportion charged to reduce $1,500,000,000 in Federal spending, a President that seems aloof and disconnected but loves to campaign in corn rows with a Congress blissfully enjoying a forty day vacation with my taxes; let's decide an enemy and go slay it! This nation is in really bad shape but the worse part is what seems to be the "white noise" which means there is noise but it is now not unsoothing to the ear. We have adapted to the terrible noises. I used to do that on tank gun ranges with guns firing all night but I never heard them even with the ground beneath me was shaking from each fired round. This is not a good thing.
Victor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, wrote a book speaking to this that regardless of how bad things are, Man by the very nature of Man, will find a way to rationalize his situation and thus adapt to it and therefore is a defensive mechanism to facilitate the person to go ahead like nothing is really wrong or out of the norm; yes, even in the Holocaust at Auschwitz. Killing and prison work was, well, normal over time. That is where I sense Americans are or are headed. It is so bad, so noisy and so distasteful yet our lives go on with work, marriage, football practices, life that we just rationalize that it will get better so why worry about it. That is, well, dangerous! I highly recommend Dr. Frankl's book for perspective.
On this Sunday morning after a nice rain and as I prepare for a full day of being at church with people I love to be with and worship with, I am yet again moved to the state of not only our nation but our culture. Abortion is now the norm, gay marriages are now the norm, prison populations exploding and yet we turn prisoners out into society because we cannot afford to jail them, church attendance wanes year after year, preachers that will PICK A BATTLE and preach passionately against the societal wrongs and shifting are becoming part of a storied past and on and on. I want my President and my Congress to humor me and act like they really care as much as I. I want them to embrace one, just one battle and together choose their stones wisely as David did, assist each other in bore sighting the sling and jointly march together to the field of battle where the Goliaths of the world are taunting this great nation and together pull tension to the sling and bury a stone in the forehead of one, just one, Goliath, PLEASE! Is that really asking too much, really? Me thinks not!
But know this as I close this, my belief in the goodness and the greatness of this nation is vigilant and strong for I believe that horizon we see out there will bring a new ray of sun light but I prefer to spell it SON light for it is our belief in a God that loves us, cares for us and wants the best for us that will lift us from this morass that WE have created. It is that same God that, time and again, had to get the attention of the desert people call the Israelites but then I realize we today are in that desert of pain but are we listening and leaning on the Promise? I am listening and I welcome you to join me!!
Be blessed
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