Been a busy day but just in and checked CNN web site and there was our Fearless Leader with two NBA basketball players with the story of them going to Florida to fund raise with Mr. Obama. Why I felt my blood boil is really interesting for me as I have tried to biologically figure that out. Perhaps the issue is solely mine to deal with I realize. But there is something just fundamentally WRONG when the country's economy is in tatters, Europe is creating a next tidal wave of despair that will soon crash on the shores of the US, the waning argument of China's manipulating the yuan is the primary reason for US uncompetitiveness, is shown to be a ruse, the school systems are more dysfunctional than they were yesterday, Russia and China are about to monopolize the world's natural gas supply and transport, ahhh Israel is still too quiet in light of the Arab Spring, Summer and now Fall, ahhhhh an assassination plot to murder a Saudi ambassador in the US along with perhaps a hundred others, ahhhhhhh, do you get my point? Oh yes, and the stupid NBA is going to miss the first two weeks because of the players union demanding more money for some really tall, talented clowns. But we the people are paying for another multi million dollar FUND RAISER to Florida on Air Force One and the thirty five other Air Force planes, cars, Secret Service, etc, etc..
I guess I am simply not feeling the love today. I guess I am, well, sick of the whole mess that seems to smell more with each passing day. I am sure Michelle and her entourage from the WNBA will go along to SHOW ME THE MONEY, Jerry. When money is the measure of leadership, the leadership is fouled and soiled. That is called prostitution to me and that is the best analogy I can come up with to capture what I see more and more in the process. There are so many, diverse issues to be dealt with but seem to never be dealt with. There are commissions established, czars wrongly appointed, proclamations that mean, well, nothing! So like Cuba Gooding caused Jerry to shout, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"
Never have I been more sickened by the political disconnect from what I see as the core issues this country faces. Now we have yet another "movement" with all the "occupy somewhere" which the unions are climbing all over which causes me to stop, drop and roll to understand why. Could it be to create more MONEY TO SHOW? Me thinks, YES, Jerry!
If I had the magic wand, there would be a complete and total ban on travel out of Washington. There would be cots brought into Congress and work would go on 24/7 / 365. There would be no paychecks issued until there is proof positive results of some sort have been made and all benefits would be suspended indefinitely. There would be no spousal / conjugal visits and there would be two meals each day with no coffee! You think I am kidding but believe me, this is exactly the level of hover I would create in the largest prostitution house ever created. Oh, and K Street and its inhabitants would be chained to the fence on H and I Street or the fence in front of the White House along with Obama's Cabinet wearing Depends for obvious reasons and a nuclear small round would be fired level all K Street buildings, hard discs and jump drives. The lobbyists Mecca on K Street is a den of iniquity and have not heard old Grover Nordstrom's name lately. Wait, it will and will have the odor of deceit and conceit when it appears in controlling OUR Congressional leaders. I do not like to use the word hate but I HATE LOBBYIST in any form.
WHERE IS THE SERIOUS dialog. Oh, and let us not forget the Super Committee that is stagnated with automatic triggers to energized in a few weeks. It just makes me sick. THIS COUNTRY IS BETTER THAN THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
I cordially invite you to the OccupyCanton event This Saturday. I believe you will find that you have more in common with them than you think!