Monday, October 24, 2011

What a difference a day makes!

This has been one of those days! You know those days when meteors fall out of the sky and hit you in the head and you find yourself getting up, looking up, scratching your head and shake your head in sheer amazement! Ever had one of those?   Describing the meteor is not the focus of this missive but in how a person placing everything in God's Hands can find respite, peace and rejoicing in the meteor's path to the point of contact to my head. 

The human being is truly amazing with that phenomenal brain and heart connection.  I am doubting a buffalo can experience a head shot and mentally go through stages of fear, wonder, anger, peace and love in a breath or two but I realized today, I am not a buffalo but a man that truly and wholly loves his God for that God has brought me peace, comfort, joy, tenderness and words of encouragement to others with questions and hurt. Simply amazing! But then, so is God's Love!!

My pastor preached on the subject of Encouragement last evening ... I heard he was going to preach on it but I was working on Christmas cantata music during the sermon but had a major coughing spell, left the choir room and caught Pastor Mike on the TV monitor talking about, "do you ever call or send someone of those that sing special music a card of encouragement and thanks ...?"  I was thrilled in that moment to be able to say, Yes Sir, many times for that is the culture of my church; loving, giving and serving!  So to connect a dot for you, when the meteor did the head shot, I realized in just a few moments that same culture had become the essence of me for what I wanted to do was be loving and caring!  I found myself many times this morning taking deep breaths in amazement in how strongly I felt God's Hand on my heart and in my life.  Only from That Touch could a head shot out of the blue be taken and turned into words of blessing and praise for healing for others left confused and angered! 

So, though still reeling from a case of the flu or something including fever, I found relief and release in that Hand I felt so clearly and cleanly. See, every event, every meeting, every interface is an educational experience if you look for it. Today, I looked deeply at my meteor to understand the why, the what and the when of the meteor via a soulful time of calm and peace; not frustration and anger!

Let me summarize my thoughts for it is my great hope that somebody who has had their own meteor shower today and got whacked around can glean calm and encouragement from my head shot and God's presence which is so very real.  Today, honestly in reflection,  I am glad I did not feel well, that I had no time commitments after the meteor hit thus I had time to think, reflect, pray, pray and pray. Prayer is an amazing elixir for pain, frustration and anger.  It causes E V A P O R A T I O N!!

So if not today, just wait for the meteors in your life are circling your air space!  So what will you do when the vector is set for entry to your unwitting head?  That is a pertinent question for Sun Tzu taught us thousands of years ago that when you know the enemy as well as you know yourself, the battle is won!  Your meteor is your enemy so prepare now for it is coming, oh yes, you can take that to the bank.  My family has additionally been such a wonderful cocoon of encouragement this day for me in ways none of them really realize ... a gift!

So like the lyric and chorus of a song I sung Saturday night:

We are so blessed by the gifts from Your Hand

I just can’t understand

Why you’ve loved us so much

We are so blessed

We just can’t find a way

Or the words that can say

Thank you Lord for your touch

When we’re empty you fill us till we overflow

When we’re hungry you feed us

And cause us to know

We are so blessed

Take what we have to bring

Take it all, everything

Lord we love you so much

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