Saturday, July 6, 2013

Defining Joy!

Well believe it or not, the sun has come out ... for now! So with that inspiration, I found myself thinking about the "joy" in my life and began to put the wallpaper of reality to be able to reflect in real time what comprises joy.  I think that is important for there is more than abundant evidence in our world, our city, our own families that read this that would dispel the positive force that goes with "joy." 
I  believe it Biblical to rejoice when the world that comes to confluence of your own life is smooth and tastes good, smells clean and pure and you can see physical and spiritual evidence. I wish, therefore, to rejoice this early July day.  Those that know me know that I do love music and, well yes, especially, Southern Gospel music. I do not nor will I be moved off that high ground for the message of the songs alone provide the beauty of the song but then you add four blended parts and, wow, how can that be bad, right?  I said that to talk about a "joy" that I have found with the advent of YouTube.
The lift I receive in finding some of my all time great songs being sung by some of the great singers is joy unlimited for me.  I can put my ear buds in and the time literally flies and I go from smiling to tears in one chorus. I can find myself in a place in feeling close to loved ones that have left us and the story of a song matched to that person is precious.  A great one for me is from the old Red Book song, "The Lifeboat."  Most of you have probably never heard it but you can on YouTube by typing the song title and then Gaither vocal band next to it and you will land at a place that brings tears tome each time I think or tell the story of that song.  Last night at my daughter's house as we sat around her kitchen table just enjoying each other's company, we were talking about music.  I began to tell her the story of that song and her grandfather, my wonderful father-in-law.  With in moments I felt the tears welling and I could not stop them; did not try very hard either. 
Mr. Stone gave me his baby girl almost forty-three years ago. He loved music, loved instruments, was a kind, gentle, sweet, servant-hearted man and he loved me in ways I had never experienced before. He was quiet but strong and vibrant.  We used to spend hours around the piano with my wife, his daughter, playing from the Red Book. He taught me that song, "The Lifeboat," many years ago and I always loved it.  On one of the Gaither Homecoming Videos, Eva Mae LeFevre and David Phelps sung this song. Each time I watch it the tears flow for this is the story of that song ...
The summer before Mr. Stone left this world, my wife and I spent several weeks in Alabama with him to give my wife's sister some caring relief.  The Alzheimer's was very present in Mr. Stone which was so sad on many fronts.  One thing I learned that summer is that when you truly love someone as I did Mr. Stone, caring for them, cleaning them, loving them when they are unaware is worthy of the years a person will invest in you. He invested much in me and that joy of getting to be part of his now very different world was a blessing.  
The day came when we had to return back to Ohio so we awoke and busily was packing the car.  Mr. Stone, pretty much oblivious of what we were doing, got up, put on clean clothes quietly and watched up loading, checking the house, etc.  He, with that booming voice, called my name, "Jim."  I went to his side, sat next to him and he said, "Jim, do you remember that song I taught you years ago.?" I said, "I sure do" and we both knew it was "The Lifeboat." He asked if we could sing it once more before we left. Yep, am tearing up already just thinking about it.  I got down on my knees in front of him, held his gnarled hands in mine and we began to sing that song:
We’re floating down the stream of time
We have not long to wait
The stormy clouds of darkness
Will turn to brightest day
Then let us all take courage
For we’re not left alone
The lifeboat soon is coming
To gather the jewels home
Then cheer, my brother, cheer
Our trials will soon be o’er
Our loved ones we shall meet, shall meet
Upon the golden shore
We’re pilgrims and we’re strangers here
We’re seeking a city to come
The lifeboat soon is coming
To gather the jewels home
The lifeboat soon is coming
By the eye of faith I see
As she sweeps thru the waters
To rescue you and me
And land us safely in the port
With friends we loved so dear
“Get ready,” cries the Captain
O look, she’s almost here
He did not recall all the words and I could hardly sing for sobbing for as we sung his grip on my hands grew stronger. I felt "Joy" and that moment that is burned into my hard drive forever.  You see, the lifeboat came to Mr. Stone not very long after that moment.  Let the lyrics ask you the question, are you ready for that hallowed arrival?
In a world seemingly totally out of control, it is hard to find that sense of real "joy" isn't it.?  When you are hurting or have been hurt, it is very hard to find that joy.  When the doctor has shook his head and walked away, it is hard.  When relationships have failed and disappointments abound, it is hard, isn't it?
I think each of you as you read this should take some time and add up your "Joys" and for a few minutes, abandon that dreads and hurts and worries of the negative side. I have some very dear friends just this weekend stumbling through the hot coals of bad choice and decisions and my heart aches for all that are involved. I yearn for "joy" to return to their lives. All I can do is pray for God's Will to be done; and it will!
I will close simply by requesting you take a "Joy" inventory and I bet a smile will return to your face. Now that smile may have to trod through tears of joy but, you know, that is okay too. I have found myself writing this missing Mr. Stone so badly but  as well, I long to have time with my mother that is there in Heaven as well.  But in knowing where our loved ones are makes it bearable, doesn't it?  I want to take this opportunity to again say thanks to Alicia's sister and her husband for the hours of tireless caring they gave and to two my sisters for caring for our mother in those last days.  Those thoughts as well bring "Joy" to my heart this moment.
Be blessed!

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