I find myself watching less and less TV news for an array of reasons. It continues to amaze me when I watch a live speech or action on TV and then watch as the day goes forward to see clearly the slants and biased introduced to the new viewers detached from the original viewing by the news producers and writers. As I see more and more of this I find myself convicted of investing far too much time due to my insatiable need to understand what is happening and why on the emptiness of television. To go through over 300 channels to record something of an iota of value for my wife and I to watch later is more and more frustrating. Am I whining this morning? Would have to say, yes!
Let me move on. Given the context of the opening paragraph, this week has afforded me several flavorful portions of joy from an eclectic tray of morsels. Being part of five worship services at my church for our Summer Bible Conference was exhilarating and uplifting on a grand scale. Being with hundreds of friends and fellow worshippers made the experience rich. The four preachers, including our own pastor for one evening, brought messages that burned into my heart in a most unique way. I felt this overwhelming call to more action in my Christian walk and as I sit here on this rainy Saturday morning, I find the slow burn of the messages still churning in my heart.
Thursday night was a powerful adrenalin pop as my quartet, The Pathway Quartet, conducted a concert at a local assisted living facility for several elderly people. Many could see and hear the singing and some were too infirmed to be able to hear but not see. But the power of the Holy Spirit was so evident during that time that I left lifted but exhausted. What a blessing and yes, what a JOY to be able to do that sort of ministry to a hurting and oft times forgotten people. The Quartet will be singing in several similar audiences in the next few weeks and I cannot wait to feel the Holy Spirit work powerfully. I love singing with these great men of God, Dave Richards, Norm Farley and Bob Park; what a JOY!
Today, this afternoon, my wife and I will attend the wedding of a son and daughter from families from our church. In light of my week as outlined above, I know this wedding will only add to my JOY-account in someway. I usually do not care to attend weddings but am believing God has special anointing on this event that I will get to witness.
I will keep this blog short but as importantly as that shown above as my heart feels overflowing, I also know there are so many people I know and know well that are hurting and worried about events in their lives that are not experiencing the raw, wonderful bounty of JOY this day. I also realize just how instantaneous that JOY can be snuffed away medically, emotionally, financially and on and on. I ache for my friends that are going through the fires of worry and doubt and those I mean know that when they read this. God is in control of this valley and well as the mountaintops. We all have and will experience both poles as this life unfolds; that is, after all, life. The issue is not the poles but in how we choose to deal with the journey to or from the mountaintops, right?
I wish each of you a JOY of special portion this day. Tomorrow will be an extremely busy Sunday for me for I will be giving my testimony at my church to include two songs that bookend my journey of life "Thus far.." To know my family is safe and loving our Lord is JOY unspeakable. To know the work I get to do is a blessing to so many. To know that if I did not see the end of this day on this earth and that I would spend eternity in Heaven is, well, JOY unspeakable and full of mercy. That is what I call the Blessed Assurance! My former students updates and seek for my input is a special JOY to me and I appreciate each of those great young people more than I can imagine; a JOY!
Seek the Joy!!
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