Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Light in a Darkening World

On this frigid, clear morning, my mind is a blur in going through my news updates, finished reading the Bible through the book of Lamentations and have not turned on the news on TV yet knowing pretty much what I will see. The world has taken a deep, sorrowful and angry breath again this week with the barbarous acts in France; places where I have been that makes it all the more real.  Seeing Al Qaeda has claimed, unsurprising, credit for the heinous acts only causes more venom to boil in side people, rightly I believe.  I am convinced all of this portends other even more heinous acts in other nations in the days ahead for the cancer is metastasizing. In today's local newspaper, a respected columnist whom I admire greatly, Charita Goshay, has an excellent piece built around three local Muslims in Canton, OH expressing their disdain on this terrible side of Islam the world is witnessing.  I assume that is designed to make us feel better about Islam as a religion but, for me, if that is the goal then that goal has not been met.
As has been stated over the last twenty four hours, the only way to stop fundamentalist jihadis is when people of their own kind get fed up enough to rise up and destroy the beast in their own camp. We have witnessed the brutality exacted by ISIL on the Sunnis, all Islamists, but it is like watching a herd of lambs watching other others in the flocks be slaughtered and the survivors pack up their things and move off to another feeding ground.  Change begins with a decision to change.  There is no change until there is a measurable change in behavior.  When Muslims realize that there are those claiming the same Prophet are destroying the credibility of the teachings of their Prophet and they begin a jihad to destroy those that foment and exact such chaos on people, then and only then will the world present Muslims and their faith with respect.
But I believe that the real target of the ISILs and the Al Qaeda's and other splinter affiliates of hatemongers are only using Islam to shelter a more sinister target approach and that is anything with a  Western, free market lifestyle.  Having now read page for page the Bible from Genesis 1:1 now through Lamentations, you see clearly the level of depravity that Man can drop to, you see death and destruction by God time and again after warnings, signs, indications and still the people continued worshiping false gods, Asheroth poles, eating their own children, sacrificing their daughters, etc, etc.  It is 2015 and the reality of the journey through the Old Testament is as real today for God's People, not some other god, but the true God that created each of us and this planet in six days, is no doubt so disappointed by what His creations are doing.  
I have many Muslim friends in this world and to even try to envision a single one of them participating or even condoning this horrendous behavior is beyond reason for they are decent, kind, caring, gentle, hard working men and women.  So all this terrible mockery of Islam is being generated by a minority, probably my infamous twenty percent, that is painting the entire Muslim world as the same colors and hues by the non-Muslim world; meaning they are "all" radicals and deserve to be eliminated." No, I do not believe that at all.  But I do believe it is for the kind, loving Muslim's of the world to assume the responsibility to gather together in one accord and establish, with teeth and fury, WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH in the name of their Prophet.  But I more strongly believe that there is but one God and His Name is God.
While our hearts hurt and our eyes ache at the views on television, it is all fixable but not by a few bombs being dropped on isolated targets, external forces trying to hold a weak coalition together. No, it begins when those being most hurt to decide THIS STOPS NOW with fury, with action, with force and with duration until the cancer is eliminated.  Many nations will rise to assist but the initiative must be derived from within the Islamic world.  A relatively small remnant is being allowed to bully the rest of their own and now the powers of this earth and the world seems powerless to stop it in its tracks. I cannot help but believe this world has the means to shutdown this strongly if properly organized, led and enforced. If I am wrong in that sentence, God help us all!
This is the time for leaders on this earth must come together and stop kicking cans through the desert or down the streets and choose to coalition together to eliminate the root structure of these radicalized people bent on destroying mankind and inflicting the world with Sharia law from centuries ago. It is ludicrous of allow these gangs to push the world including the US around.  I am still waiting for our Commander-in-Chief to pound the podium, show real emotion and point into the cameras and shouting THIS STOPS NOW!
But I think I will be waiting long after he is out of office for such a retort! This is about leadership so I am looking to see leaders LEAD!

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