It was
actually a bit amusing last evening as I watched this CNN Special on INSIDE
ISLAM over fifteen minutes of the one hour was spent with "experts" expounding
on what is the politically correct name for the Islamic terrorists such as ISIL,
Al Sebeeb, Boka Harem, etc., etc. It is important, they said, that we delineate
the good Muslims from the bad ones. There is still this overarching belief, as
stated, that all this chaos that will only worsen ahead, is only a small remnant
of the "beautiful, peace loving religion" of Islam and that the Quran does not
sanction such brutality ... and yet we witness daily more and more brutal Old
Testament-style killings in the name of a dead Prophet. But, it is important
that we designate a politically correct term to capture all these small bands of
really bad people! SARCASM INTENDED.
We are at war!
Let me restate that for clarity; WE ARE AT WAR with an ideology being prosecuted
by armed, barbaric men, women and children brainwashed that anything existing
outside the tenth century in lifestyle needs to be annihilated from planet
earth; it really is that simple to understand!
People want to
defend the Islamic religion on the ground that this is a small arm of Islam.
Okay, I can buy that. But goes with that purchase is my belief, therefore, that
it is for the "good" Muslims to embrace the prostituting of their religion and
offensively attack it at its core meaning funding, soldiers, arms,
infrastructure, etc. I learned, I think, last night that our great ally, the one
our POTUS bowed and kissed the hand of in the early days of his Presidency,
Saudi Arabia, is the primary conspirator in funding an array of the terror
groups while America still plays the game of diplomacy with these people. I
think John McCain has it right; you go and kill this serpent where it lives thus
keeping it away from where we live. If Saudi Arabia is the funder of the
serpent, then Saudi Arabia and all their kings and monarchy needs to pay a dear
price and America continue to sell weapons, aircraft, etc. is simply
We drop or run
less than a thousand air sorties and pat ourselves on the back for all the great
"blunting" of ISIL we are accomplishing only a day or two later to see where
ISIL has moved in another vector meaning we have not killed the serpent, only
watching him react as any military would on the ground which is away from where
the steel the thickest. The whole "boots on the grounds" conundrum is chilling
to me and when I hear it I get this sick sense in my gut which, for me, is a
term of defense, let's stay away from it, let's be politically correct, let's in
essence, wait and see. Well how is that strategy working out for us? Boston, New
York, Paris, Nigeria, Yemen, London, Libya; shall I go on? We all KNOW there are
cells operational in America as I type this lurking for a major hit for the
cause of Islam which is nothing more than a mob hit for the publicity it will
generate. These people are slaughtering their own so please, do not insult me by
telling me or trying to justify this is a Holy War inside Islam. Couching this
is a Shia versus Sunni conflict is beyond ridiculous and insulting to
I have some
amazing Islamic friends throughout this world and all that I know are kind,
gentle, hardworking, caring and loving and respectful. So to see this unholy
conflagration of a religion I know little about nor believe in is disheartening
to say the least. But I do believe it is for those that claim to be Muslim to
join together to attack this extremist arm of their religion at its root instead
of what seems to me to be acting like sheep waiting for the slaughter to begin.
Remember, the best defense on anything is an overwhelming offense and waiting on
others or paying others to fight your battle is nothing but prostitution. It is
past time for Islam to right itself in it's own eyes and in the eyes of the
world and launch a holy war against those infidels that would rape an organized
But here is
where my mind gets boggled. What is different about this strategic situation
with these jihadists in 2015 and the overwhelming force thrown at the Iraqi
dictator in Persian Gulf 1 when Iraq invaded Kuwait.? Why, given what we are
seeing every day in degrees of worsening, would the forces of the world not rise
up in a massive coalition, three or four divisions of heavy armor and cavalry
and infantry and hoards of artillery and special forces and annihilate this
"small" group of radicals? Why is the world allowing such blatant atrocities to
continue? Have we all, the great powers of the earth, gone soft or too
diplomatic? Why is America still fighting on so many noble fronts with a
relatively small volunteer force instead of establishing a conscription system
that would provide jobs for the high unemployment in our nation training men and
women to fight for our and their nation and freedom? The list of Whys can get
very long very quickly but the key Why, for me, is why are we allowing these
radicalize killers to roam freely at will and we seem to cower in the shadows
hoping they will just go away, please?
Sun Tzu was
very clear that in war you attack with overwhelming strength, OVERWHELMING does
not rhyme with these palpitations of the term "boots on the ground" when used as
a political football. I hate war but war is part of peace like death is part of
life; yes, I said that. How is this different nationally from December 1941 when
in the next few months millions of American men lined up to fight for our
nation? My greatest fear, frankly, is that America and Americans have become so
un-Americanized that the thought of fighting or the right to be an American has
melted into an IPod screen or a video game. THAT IS SAD! I am a patriot but I
often question if a compelling call was made for all patriots to stand to, who
would be on my left and right for there would be nobody in front for I would be
in the front and therefore who would have my back!
In other
words, is fighting for what is means to be an American different in 2015 than it
was in 1941? So sloshing around in trying to come up with a politically correct
name for a group of barbaric young thugs bent on destroying anything and
everything we Americans stand for seems, well, wasteful and of no value. Take
the fight to the enemy, wait, that is what we should call them, THE
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