At this moment, many are shocked, disappointed, angry about Brian Williams now proved embellishments of his news reporting over the years; a Busted Bubble. That is sad but as my mother always taught me that if you make your bed it is you that must sleep in it thus what Mr. Williams is doing is laying uncomfortably in his bed. I feel notparticular shock or angst about this for wrong is wrong.
A great tether I recall with during the caustic days of the Vietnam War when LBJ was struggling with the war, he made a classic statement about the beloved Walter Cronkite that "if I lose Cronkite, I have lost everything." Well, he lost Cronkite for Cronkite was the undeniable voice of the people for his reporting was never about him; a trap so easily fallen into today which Mr. Williams is feeling the pain of the bottom he has fallen into.
But I believe this matter with Brian Williams, while hot news today, is iconistic of a greater, macro issue of loss of confidence in our nation and its leaders, our view on values of our society, globalization, war, spirituality and principles. I hate making a generalization but I believe our world has generally lost confidence in leadership. period! More and more, me being one, has no confidence in our president from six years of doing things that still stagger the imagination, has broken relationship, such as Israel, has cow towed to foreign governments, has apparently killed or severely injured the strength of our diplomatic weapons and have critically hurt the impact of our military on the global stage. Currencies around the world continue to weak which is a reflection of a nation's confidence in his leaders. We see the Middle East literally imploding before our very eyes and it seems, to me at least, that the destruction is unstoppable which I have spent a lifetime believing MY military could do anything to anybody anywhere. Guess I was wrong!
It is the lack of absolutely that I am most concerned about in our world today. Daily we see the chipping away of the values that has been the hallmark of our national existence and society. Marriage is becoming a thing of the last generation. Choosing to live together is now considered normal and more and more the issue of same sex couples marrying, adopting children, artificial insemination to have children, transgender and gay and lesbianism is celebrated, applauded and help in high regard as an other example of the equality of rights in our nation. Aside from the fact that these items are in direct violation of the Word of God in His Scriptures is now an afterthought if a thought at all.
We we have lost confidence in our leaders, our values, our hopes for a better life meaning, for example, pursuing a college education. Having taught several thousand students during a decade after my retirement from my career, I saw first hand that the educational model is not aligned with the needs of business. I saw clearly a high percentage of students entering college should not have been their due to skills gaps, no commitment to the worked and all the times stacking up thousands of dollars of debt by buying cars, toys, not coming to class, etc. etc. So, for me in the middle of the fire, another bubble was busted as I thought back to my days in college when I worked full time, young family, attended Officer Candidate School, etc. Education requires energy, focus and commitment and far too many of some really great young people simply did not grasp those three core ingredients.
My love for my country has not waned but my love for the leadership and the confidence that should be there in their leadership is pretty much exhausted. I cannot, at this juncture, imagine two more years of the Obamaesque leadership. When this nation is dependent on Germany to agree with anything as to a strategic decision by the United States, that speaks volumes to me about this Busted Bubble named Obama. Our nation and our world has lost its rudder in a choppy sea and the storm is escalating. Another example is the way Ebola was handled and now measles. I find myself wondering, in complete honesty, if this nation can do anything right the first time and never did I think I would even allow that to enter my mind but it has.
The world NEEDS America! The world is seeing America on its knees instead of seeing America project, inject, command and direct. My bubble sadly is busted! So Brian Williams, while sad, is certainly not surprising for his fall from grace, like King David, can be regained, and it will. But the greater, far greater concern I hold is that his is not symptomatic of our Land and our world. The raw, naked aggression of Putin in the Crimea and the Ukraine and probably Poland, etc, is unchecked and seemingly unstoppable. Why? Busted Bubble of Leadership!
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