This link is to a great article by the columnist George Will. Reading it twice and then factoring in what the world is watching over these last few months with ISIL, Al Qaeda, the terrorist acts and the unending threats that creates polarization and stagnation most of which are fueled by cyber -140 character words; given that, I continue to be anguished. Governments' and presidents' approach to seemingly anything is a commission, a committee, big meetings, hearings, debates; all translated as blowing air and time to circumvent the process of deciding and doing. Each time I watch the legislative process on CSPAN especially the times for voting and all the back patting, hand shaking, glad handing that goes on, it makes me sick to my stomach.
Big gatherings, by definition, accomplish fundamentally nothing but only invests much time, energy and preparation to come together in a large meeting somewhere in a major venue such as Paris, or Vienna instead of Boaz, AL or Alliance, OH. Meetings of the nature administrations lean toward becoming political events, of course. But to my real point!
For the United States of America to decide, apparently, to attack ISIL via more tweets in trying to convince these supposed thousands of Western young Muslims to stay home and not become part of ISIL seems, well inept, expensive and ineffective. We are going to "out tweet" them. With Obama just a few weeks ago calling ISIL a "JV" team shows his apparent very poor intelligentsia or a choice to ignore the threat reality that has been there. I do not believe ISIL and its growth is a surprise for if it is truly is, then woe be to our nation. I believe ISIL intel was known and to some degree buried due to the political fall out that such a revelation would unfold for a president doing all he can to draw forces from combat zones and at the same time not offend Islamic believers via sending or telegraphing military timetables to the enemy and yes ISIL is the enemy. How do you defeat an enemy?
Well, tweets will not do it. FB posts will not do it. Waiting for Santa Claus is not going to do it. You defeat an enemy by calling it what it is and unleashing the fury of a military force through overwhelming power to ensure total peril of the enemy. That last sentence is how every war ever fought was won and not doing that assures military and strategic defeat. Let me be frank: America is losing the WAR against ISIL for America is choosing to kick cans down the streets, seeking to not offend and all this via large gatherings of diplomats leading to more meetings by lesser diplomats all under the cover of TV speeches assuring We the People it is all going to be good so don't worry about it.
Well, I for one, am not buying that swampland in Nebraska story. As I have stated many times, my greatest concern about our / my nation is that we have no national leadership wanting to act as a Commander-in-Chief in time of war; yes in TIME OF WAR. I think it inevitable another 9/11 event on American soil will happen and shocked it has not already. I ask once more that if 500 Americans were beheaded on the beaches of Florida, what would be the reaction of this White House? More meetings, more rhetoric in not wanting to offend the followers of Islam. If the followers of Islam wanted this to stop this with ISIL, they could stop it but I see no, NO, evidence there is a movement afoot to inject pain into the supply chain driving this cancer called ISIL.
The world is screaming for a leader that will mass the forces of good and focus those forces on the evil that is eating the lifeblood out of the Middle East and is threatening the rest of the world. There is no question that the ultimate aim is to eliminate Israel from the face of the earth, to eliminate the Pope thus taking over Europe and I believe some of the current threats against soft targets in America in large shopping malls is proof positive that unless this cancer is removed and destroyed, it will spread globally. I have listened to all the "reasons" why these underprivileged young Muslims are leaving their multi generation homes and families in Western nations to join and fight with ISIL to the point it means nothing to me. Realizing that last sentence means apparently "normal" citizens of many nations are choosing to leave family and friends to go to the desert to rape, pillage and plunder and murder other Muslims is telling me something is much larger afoot and I believe that is larger than Islam itself.
I have many Islamic friends, especially Turks, in this world and I know them to be wonderful, warm hearted people. But this behavior is beyond reprieve that something like ISIL cannot be stopped by the 1.8 billion Muslims in this world IF there was force enough to stop it in its track; not buying it at all. Which brings me back to the greatest question of all; why is our President taking the road his is taking? I do not care where he was born, if he Muslim, Eskimo or Hindu but he is our Commander-in Chief and is blatantly choosing to not serve We the People as that capacity dictates. This nation deserves better but we certainly are being ill served. Then you look up the street to the Capitol and we still see only gridlock and posturing. Constitutionally, our nation is taking giant steps backward from the role of global leadership and we thus see the dividend for such behavior. I cannot imagine two more years of this in all sincerity.
In the absence of leadership, Chaos reigns!
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