Good morning on this simply beautiful morning in NE Ohio. Was in South Carolina on the Isle of Palm last week and thoroughly enjoyed the drive, 683 miles, the weather, the quaintness of the place, the people, the service at the hotel, the seafood meaning I can never again eat at Red Lobster in my life knowing it is frozen for weeks before it makes it to a plate, really enjoyed the city of Charleston including a quick drive through the campus of the Citadel. Yes, a good week but the caveat to that was no laptop, minimized TV viewing meaning I was on the third ring of Saturn as to knowing what was going on in our ever changing world. Perhaps that is why I enjoyed the trip and slept so well!
So here we are on a cool, clear Tuesday morning and seeing a new, terrible earthquake in Nepal, ISIL growing stronger and more deadly, watched another intriguing Charlie Rose interview with Mike Morrell, former CIA and NSA director and always enlightening. What was underscored through that interview simply is that Iran is emerging as the power player in the Middle East perceptually due to Iran's new "partner", the Obama United States. The Gulf conference in Washington has been snubbed now by at least four Gulf country leaders headed by Saudi Arabia thus rebuffing our POTUS due in large part to this strange affiliation Mr Obama appears to have established with Iran. Stated: ISRAEL MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Let that soak in for a few minutes for those words and sentiments have emanated from the very lips of the Supreme Leader of Iran as well as operatives like Al Qaeda and ISIL. So, seems to me there is reasonable belief that the ultimate objective is the elimination of Israel coupled with the establishment of an Iranian led-caliphate that will be dominated by the Shia while the Sunnis murder each other. Oh, and by the way, just saw where the number of people in America claiming to be Christian has dropped by nearly 10%. I believe there are many dots to be connected in that paragraph.
The escalating racial divide in our own nation coupled with this unparalleled attack on uniformed police across our nation is more troubling to me personally than the above paragraph litany. If this were a kindergarten class I would call a "time out" but that is far too simple in this cauldron of hate, angst, fear and disgruntlement. I took issue with Mrs. Obama's racial-inflammatory remarks at Tuskegee University's graduation when and where I would think and hope the First Lady would have sought to bring peace. But she took issue that she had been held to a different standard because she was black and that each of those graduates would as well. The First Lady should be held to a different standard not because he is black but because of the position she holds. I should be held to a different standard, for example, because I live in the North but grew up in the South and claim Jesus as my Savior. I admit it; I want to be held to a different standard. I believe you get my point!
I cannot escape this eery sense there is a plan in place to incite the fires of racism while this president is still in office that will divide our nation on a scale we have not witnessed. I do hope I am wrong but my gut keeps telling me that is the a master plan. The whole socialization via the Democratic folks, ie, ObamaCare, is yet another piece in that puzzle I believe. The scary part is that the other side of the aisle cannot get organized with a cohesive plan nor candidate to carry the POTUS banner in 2016. Thus, Mrs. Clinton, right now, will by default find she and Billy in the White House and the juggernaut will pick up more speed.
Yes, my name is Jim and we have a problem, don't we?
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