Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Ten Day Fast

I have taken a fast on my blog for ten days to let the dust settle in my brain as it churns through the never ending journey of seeking to understand what is going on in our world. My input of news has been on  a diet as well so intending to clear out some of the baggage and cobwebs of rational thought that too many times ebbs and flows in the ocean of irrational thought.  So in this Rip Van Winkle state of brain idle, I must admit life has seemed easier, smoother and the water is cleaner and cooler to stay with the analogy.
But today old Rip has awakened scouring the trough of input from around the world, viewing the prestigious news sources of CNN and FOX as the quarterback, me, prepares for some audibles at the line of scrimmage to get this group of people moving toward the goal line. You smiling yet!  My summation of my "rest" is that our world is terribly abscessed and the poison is eating into the nerve so a major root canal is needed or extraction; I am leaning toward extraction in my renewed state of knowledge and awareness.
When I see what is happening with Iran, Yemen, Baltimore, Ferguson, still, Washington, the European Union, Russia, Ukraine, remember Ukraine, ISIL, Al Qaeda, remember them?  Then you start to hear the names of the "affiliates" to these mob organizations bent on destroying ALL Christians, defined as not Islamic and now that doesn't even qualify for they are killing the Islamic folks as well.  Reading about Christians being beheaded, shot in back of the head, tossed overboard into the Mediterranean Sea, etc, etc just makes me, Old Rip, angry. The anger is cloistered in what is evident that the United States and the European Union refuse to acknowledge the depth of the depravity and refuse to step up, man up is a better term I believe, and blunt and destroy this Evil of mankind that is growing.  Fire with more oxygen and more fuel equals a bigger, more devastating fire, right?
I love people and love the joy of working with, getting to be with and to worship with people.  Few things in this life I hate but one of them is a bully. Since I was a child I have detested bullies. I got bullied my freshman year in high school by a senior and I remember this sense of deep rooted fear and worthlessness I felt walking home from school.  It cost me my lunch money for several weeks which led to me working in the lunch room to get a free meal. That is a true confession for time in print so you can know.  But when the angst grew and blew up inside me, knowing I would face a beating from this large man, I "manned up" one afternoon pushing the bully backward into a bleacher in the gym and kicking him.  The bullying was ceased!
So lesson learned?  You do not ignore or cow tow to a bully for you must confront it, challenge it knowing pain may be in the prescription but staking a position and defending it with honor far outweighs the pain.  From the experience, I was deeply emboldened to be more aggressive in all aspects of my life and especially in rebounding in basketball.  Many people I played basketball with both friend and foe felt the fury and damage of some very  sharp, offensive elbows over the next several years but I was never bullied on or off the court again and to this day. I share that story from my own life to make a clear point about our world.
Obama, the EU, the police, the world is being bullied on a grand scale. Just turn on the TV and watch. Bastions of strength via force exists with the bullies of this world while the "good guys" cower under the flag of diplomacy which is ridiculed and demeaned in the name of equality, rights and outright aggression.  The game being played between Obama and the Mullahs of Iran will be book fodder for decades to come when reality hits and it will hit soon.  People will be baffled by the thought of "this could never happen here .." but it will happen here under the shadowy flag of our own POTUS and his minions. The Iranian leaders must be having parties every night at how they are playing blackjack with the United States and we keep bluffing.  Look at Syria; go ahead, look at it and remember the now infamous "red line" which is red due to the stain of blood by bullies.
So in my ten day fast, I guess I should have stretched it out to 11 or 50 but my gut tells me 50 days from now this cauldron of deceit and bullying will be even worse.  Then I look out to 2016 and hear the jungle sounds for Mrs Clinton and I just want to go back to my extended nap. How on earth any sane person would want a continuation of this national leadership and especially her is beyond reconciliation by normal minds from my perch. 
I am getting sleepy again so maybe when I awaken it will all be grand and glorious or better, I will be in Heaven getting to sing in that Heavenly Choir; now that is a great deal!

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