Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Whine - O - Gram

One of the great movie lines ever was in Jerry McGuire where he was forced to say and then to scream, "show me the money," "I can't hear you Jerry, louder!"  "SHOW ME THE MONEY""""!  Now we have all laughed at that but something that has rolled around in the pit of my gut for a long time has made its way to my fingertips and now to you ....  it SICKENS ME when I realize that what politicians are truly measured by and to is the amount of money they prostitute themselves for. There is simply something fundamentally wrong with the geometry of the process.

CNN, just now, is talking about the millions of dollars being raised, while the country and individuals sink more deeply into the slime of blood money in debt while the Air Force One I am helping to pay for and Air Force Two I am helping to pay for and the millions, MILLIONS of dollars of support paid for security, additional vehicles, secret service recon and stationing and on and on and on is expended. So I guess you could say China is paying for our presidential election, right?

It make me sick to my stomach at the process.  So this is not a singular aimed head shot to our President but at the process that has evolved.  It really is, simply, all about the stinking money and remember principle number one ... whomever owns your debt owns your future! Can I get a witness????

I have some political friends that will see this and their input is sought and appreciated for I simply do not understand the logic of the process when I find myself really thinking about it.  Why should a politician be made winnable simply because of his / her ability to fill a coffer when untold millions are below the poverty level. It is simply WRONG!  There has to be a better, fairer and more disciplined way to elect our political leaders.  So you can know I have never nor will I ever contribute one nickel to a political campaign for in doing that, in my humble opinion, I am enabling bad behavior and life has taught me that destroying safety nets / bad behaviors is the only way to steer the ship of life in a right course with a deep rudder.

So all the campaigning is not really campaigning then is it for it really is about flying all over the US lavishly and telling people exactly what they want to hear and move to the next microphone.  I know I am a rebel but let's "campaign" to eliminate all teleprompters, sound bytes, speech writers and let us, WE THE PEOPLE, see and hear what the person is really made of; THAT is who I want to give my vote and support and yes, my prayers to in support.  Why anyone on earth would seek to a political work, public service is the politically correct term I suppose, is beyond me!  I have had many that have asked and encouraged me to do just that and my standard response is something like, they have not yet printed enough money to cause me to even entertain such a crazy idea.

Oh, and once the elected is then officed, as Lincoln has written much about, most of your time is spent in trying to appease those that, well, paid your ticket to the office and not the business of the State which, I think I am right here, is the sole purpose for them being there and why the system exists, right?   Yes, today, I am an angry white, male, Vietnam era veteran, Baby Boomer, Christian, singer, professor, father, grandfather, brother, husband, friend to many, retired, ahhhhh, have I missed a demographic, oh yes, have a goat tee that is quite stylish I believe ... are you getting my point?

THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN so why should we expect the system to make things better, right?  Remember the definition insanity which is to do the same thing you have always done and expect things to be different. THE SYSTEM IS BROKEN and I see NOTHING nor ANYBODY on the horizon to FIX A BROKEN SYSTEM!  But I guess that is why I do what I love to do which is to educate the future. I see such hope and capability in the students of today. Yes, the future can be brighter I am convinced!

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