Friday, January 4, 2013

What Lurks at Your Core?

In today's devotional from Our Daily Bread and from Jimmy Carter's Daily Devotional, there was discussion about one's core. We all have a core which are a set of beliefs that formulate the framework of who we really are when nobody else is looking!  The architecture of my teaching is in establishing clearly the Mission which I define as one's reason to exist. Once that is defined, the destination must be determined which is what I call one's Vision. This is vital for Vision encompasses, embraces and energizes the person and / or the organization. So what is left is the pathway from the Mission to the Vision. These pathways are what I call the Strategies.  The progress metrics along these pathways are the Goals.  It really is all quite logical I have learned in my life for the framework is applicable at a personal level and at an organization level.
When you stop and think, really, really think about what formulates your core, it creates an increased heart rate for it gets very personal and intimate.  There is a great adage that states that a rising tide lifts all ships.  That is great unless your ship is anchored therefore as the tide rises, the anchored vessel is sucked beneath the rising tide, right?  Anchoring steadies and stabilizes  both of which are good.  But when the time comes, and it will, for movement to a new, different location, destination, vision, the anchors have to be cut loose to be able to take advantage of the rising tide.
As I watch my students, friends, family, business associates, I find myself assessing my own core values and beliefs to better understand myself for I have a fundamental sense that as I know myself better, the real me, then I can be a better me and thus be able to be a better teacher, leader, family member and therefore be part of their rising tide. I hope that is clear for it is abundantly clear to me.  So the question that begs an answer: what are your core values?  What is it that in the midst of absolute upheaval in your life or business or relationships, you can know how you will work your way through the maze of the angst, pain and disappointment? We can look around our world every day and see pools and pockets of events and issues the must be dealt with "at the core" and not the periphery.
I think a great, pertinent example is the debt debacle of our nation and how our fiscal leaders are trying to manage the terrible dynamic. What values are our elected leaders displaying in finding a way to SOLVE the issue and not continue to hope the rest of the world will continue to bail us out by continuing to buy our debt?  Frankly, and I watch this closely, I have no idea of what the Congress and POTUS of the United States of America's core value are. I find that sad and perhaps I am missing the answer but all I see is partisan rancour. I watched the 113th Congress swearing in yesterday with all the joviality, families and photo ops and felt good about it for I want so badly to have hope.  But then the Speaker of the House elections proved that the core values of the collective Congress are still undefinable. 
I will stop with this challenge!  Today, go somewhere alone and in the quiet, do a personal self assessment of what you feel resides at your core.  Build scenarios of things that could happen in your life and then test them in how you think you will navigate the straits of despair.  If done properly and honestly, you will begin to see the mist clear and you can begin to see the real core of what and who you are.  This is not some academic exercise but a real life assessment of yourself.  I commit to doing this today for I have done this several times in my adult life and realize that it is time for another mirror viewing of Jim Williams, the real one. 
If you would like to share your thoughts on this, I would be more than thrilled to read and or discuss.  This is a very different type blog for me for the devotional time touched a very unique chord in my heart which has led me to this pathway. I think there is a purpose for that.

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