Monday, February 9, 2015

America the Impotent

I have intentionally not written a blog in several days for several reasons major of which was to give my mind a rest from the seemingly never ending hot spots erupting daily on our globe. Also, I wanted to take a space to try and get a sense of who we as Americans really are in 2015 and must benchmark that assessment to the sixty-six years of my life. 
As a Baby Boomer, born in 1948, I remember with greatness the memories of World War II for so many men in my neighborhood including my father were soldiers in that War. I must factor in that for each summer a group of us boys would gather at George French's house and watch a Channel 13 movie at noon and it was always a war movie.  So my mind was blasted with great joy with the defeat of the Japanese or the Germans. We would then retire outside and have a war of our own for three or hour hours using China berries as ammunition. We would store caches of China berries throughout the neighborhood to use to reload during the countless battles.
It is a miracle a single one of us made it to puberty with both eyes but we did. But we fought with great pride for we had seen movie evidence that Americans win day after day, movie after movie. I remember the only movie I ever went to with my father was SINK THE BISMARCK and the entire Ritz theater crowd stood up and cheered when the great Nazi ship was mortally hit. America and our friends, the British, won and we were always quite proud of that. Ah, life was quite good in hindsight with seemingly no problems while on the battlefields of Hill and Norris Avenues back alleys.  Americans Win!
Today, as the news is more comprehensive and graphic, it is too easy to get caught up in the hype of the stories, YouTube, FOX, etc and thus lose your own perspective of what is actually going on in our crazy world.  Those that know me know I have an insatiable desire to connect dots to gain a deeper understanding of the major events in our world. As you do this, with practice, you begin to see so many of these events that have a common core. Oil is a great one. Israel is another great example.  But for me in assessing the landscape, I have come to the reality that the real core is consternation in our Land is lack of political leadership and a President, the Commander-in-Chief remember, that is either stupid, gutless or cunning and playing a very dangerous game with the issues of Islam.  I never cave in to whether he is a Muslim or not though many want to believe that. I never fall in the trap of believing he is simply naive for even if he is, six years in office kills any rationalization of motives or leadership.
In the world, we see ISIL going basically unchecked while spending billions each day from taxpayers funding and more borrowing.  We see Putin making us all look like village idiots with his imperialistic onslaught of the Ukraine. I told my wife today having spent nearly ten years in Southeastern Poland and having many wonderful friends there, that they have to be scared to death of what Russia is doing and doing unchecked by, well, anyone.  The list of hot spots seems to be endless and worsening so it is my belief that our enemies see America as a weak, stumbling former giant that has too much debt, has thrown away any semblance of the values that made our nation great. We live in a world where everything must be tolerated which translates to the bare reality that there are no longer absolutes.  Black and White is now gray so everybody can do what they feel is right with no consequence.  In other words, we are no longer the America that I fought savagely for in the battlefields of Alabama City.  
In reading through the Bible from Genesis 1:1, we just began the Book of Hosea this morning. It is startlingly amazing to see God's Hand deal with exactly what I have described above.  Why God does not clean his Creation up is beyond me for seemingly nothing is sacred, nothing is precious and nothing is worth taking stand on it would seem.  So my blog tonight is written to reassert that fact that as Americans, we have lost the war and by choice; that choice by the partisan, money driven people we send to Washington.  When a presidential candidate is assessed as viable based on the amount of money the pundits feel he can raise, there is something terribly wrong but alas, that is where we are.
My hope is for the world I have grown up in is to be a place my grandchildren can thrive and grow but they already live in a world where same-sex is normal, suicide no longer is shocking and a husband and wife together in a marriage is a rarity. 
I love my country. I love my family. I love knowing where I will spend eternity. But I do not love what this nation has become and apparently is bent on worsening via depravity on a scale we cannot imagine.  
I love America but I think America no longer loves itself! That is very, very sad.

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