Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Marking the Pathway Forward Viewing through the Rearview

Birthdays seem to come quicker yet are more profound I believe when it is in our close family.  This is my precious daughter's birthday and we have already spoken via phone. I love my daughter so very much for in so many ways, she is me in personality, drive, energy and love of life and people. 
But on this auspicious day for our family and now having did my morning ritual of reading several global news media, the big news is the Prime Ministry election in Israel it seems. But I know residing behind all the hype of that crucial election resides so much pain and wrong. Example; I checked the obituary section online of my hometown newspaper, Gadsden, AL, and found several major crimes committed there just yesterday which include murders, robberies, assaults and realized all over again that no community is immune it seems.  So getting a renewed taste of the bad of man against the backdrop of the elections in Israel adding in a pinch of Russian aggression and a slight touch of oil prices at historic lows yet gasoline prices spiking upward again and the hate being leveled at police in this nation and a POTUS that, well, there are no words to describe my concern and frustration with this Administration, I go back to what my wife and I have been doing over the last several months daily. We have been reading the Bible through by reading three or four chapters that began with Genesis 1:1 and are about to begin the Book of Mark. An amazing journey I will add.
Remember the words, there is nothing new under the sun? That is because there is nothing new under the sun. The events we see blasted at us via Internet or cable seem unique but when put in the context of what the Old Testament lays out for you in extreme detail as it opens the door to the coming of Christ and His ministry, you are taken aback with the interconnectivity of it all. Seeing God dealing with His chosen people, the Jews, is very relevant today up to and including the Prime Minister elections.  Knowing Iran, slash Persia, is on record as wanting to see Israel removed from the world map, you are taken back to the Bible for every king, it seems, had that same intent but God protected His people is various, unique ways while at different times punishing them harshly for disobedience; rightly!
So how are we any different today I find myself thinking often and the answer is, we are not different today.  Israel is a truly amazing anomaly in our century but then they have been for every century when using the Bible as your history tutorial. I have known many Jews from many nationalities and they are a very unique people.  I believe they enjoy that uniqueness to the point of drawing negative ire and disdain from some corners but the number of rulers that have sought utter annihilation of the race is simply astounding to me.
Why am I focusing my words today, this special day in my family, on Israel?  Simply, it is because I realize all over again that the future of the Middle East and thus the world is tethered to this tiny sliver of land called Israel that is the same age as I for it was born in 1948 as I. So sixty seven years of existence against the span of thousands of years of holocaust, final solutions, constant terror attacks has honed Israel into a lean, mean fighting machine and I know they have little compunction in deciding to use their vast nuclear capability probably on Iran. See, I believe the future of our world will be set with Israel's actions toward Iran that Iran will incite and to realize America is playing footsie with Iran is a very serious, dangerous and intriguing calculus none of us understand. But then we can say that about many initiatives by the Obama group can't we?
Our pathway as a society in our global village is growing more disparate, more diverse, more dangerous and there are far too many fuses burning toward powder kegs of destruction.  I believe far too many are not reading the events of the past through the rear view of history to best determine pathways ahead. I further believe this thing called ISIL, another anomaly, is iconoclastic of the failures of diplomats, especially the UK after World War I, in how geography, topography and culture were wrongly drawn thus creating these warring nations along boundaries versus  joining the ethnic groups more closely aligned with each. So when we hear about Sunni and Shia, this is a direct result military of the map drawing by the UK in the early twentieth century.  The unbelievable blood spilling that goes on every since seems senseless for it is senseless but very real.
Our way forward as a society and global people has been tethered to the leadership of the United States since World War II.  But that tethering has been worn thin and cast aside primarily through events and actions by the United States at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. So America and Israel are bound together by the pages of the Bible but there seems to be those now in power that have chosen to cast all that aside for some strange, questionable and I believe sinister motives. The world's very human existence is hanging in the balance I believe.  So where does Israel now go with the PM remaining in power but with a very broken government and not trust in or with Washington?  Israel has God at their back. Do we?

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