As we are moving toward a globally recognized event, Easter, we must not forget that it is a celebration of the resurrection of Christ, God's only Son. Already there will be those reading this that will be scoff, ignore but a few will admiringly acknowledge the wonder of that event in world history. I think that sentence is a moniker for our world in 2015, isn't it? Some believe, some don't, some do not care, some care about something but no clue as to what ...!
In our Good Friday church service last evening, I was humbled and honored to get to duet the great Gaither song, SINNER SAVED BY GRACE. I have sung that song many times in many venues but last night with the auditorium near capacity, the meaning of that song's message seemed to weigh heavier on me than usual. The first verse says:
If you could see what I once was
If you could go with me
Back to where I started from
I know you would see
A miracle of love
That took me in it's place
I'm here to say I'm nothing but
A sinner saved by Grace
Let that sink in for a moment. Each of us fit into that prescription for humanity do we not? It is an absolute miracle of God that at sixty-seven years old that I have great health, get to do all the things I love to do, a wonderful family, still contributing to the world and relishing in the fact that if God took me home today, I would be home there with Him for eternity as will all my family when eternity is made real and my faith becomes sight. That, my friends, is a great deal!
As we have come through a really harsh winter with pot holes the size of the Grand Canyon, almost, the world around us is melting into a cauldron of hate, blood, racism, political corruption, societal decay and a further turning from God's clear direction in Scripture; is it any wonder that the global village is corrupt and falling farther and farther away from God's creation? There are so many examples to support that statement but I am about to decide the abominable acts of violence from ISIL and AQ are metaphorical for the world as a whole. We revile what they are doing and represent yet there is a mysterious magnetism that is drawing thousands of young men and women to that sick cause not to mention billions of dollars of financial support backing the slaughter. It defies logic but then as I often say, if you apply logic to an illogical situation, all you can expect is an illogical conclusion.
Add or factor in the potentiality of Iran becoming a nuclear power in the Middle East, and they will I am convinced, then the sickness we are witnessing in the Middle East and now Africa and these global acts of terror will be amplified many fold. I find it amazing that another 9/11-level attack has not occurred in either Europe or the United States but believe it probably imminent and please remember, I am the eternal optimist! I still believe the trip wire will be Israel's military action against Iran to protect themselves from eradication by Iran.
But with all this and many other examples I could indicate, I go back to the message of humanity in God's Hands that He created. We are all sinners from birth due to Adam's sin. That is irrefutable. Spending eternity in heaven is a choice made on this side of life. That is irrefutable as well. So with all the unfolding of craziness of epic proportion we are witnessing as a People, as we celebrate this Resurrection of Jesus Christ in word, in song, in family time together, with friends, we must never forget we live in a fallen world.
This world is not my home, I'm just passing through. If Heaven's not my home, then Lord what will I do. The angels beckon me from Heaven's open door and I can't feel at home in the world any more! That is a lyric from a great song that fits perfectly the context of my blog today.
So as Christians have expressed to each other for centuries; He is Risen! and yes, He is Risen, indeed!!!!
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