With all the craziness of our world and feeling still very tired from the last few days, we are blessed to have all five grand kids with us today and overnight. First, it is amazing how they can change individually and in how they interact with each other in such a short period of time. Like we say, "they are growing up" but they growing up loving each other and loving Grammy and Poppy. The girls, Bella and Gracie, have always liked to give me a new hair-do and a good fingernail cleaning with Gracie, of course, assuming the Boss Hawg role which has been perfectly accepted as the way it is; it's all good! However, it has been a few months since all three of my girls joined forces to create what I will call "The BellaGracieHopie Salon" and I got to be their first paying customer. Film to follow let me tell you.
So with ISIL trudging through Iraq and Syria, Yemen exploding, planes crashing, police hating getting worse, societal values eroding, I threw all caution to the wind after supper when Gracie and her posse came to me to negotiate a package deal for cash, of course. So, I decided to do some business education as we worked through the business process of Supply and Demand, Equilibrium (price point) and time / space delivery systems. It was a project! So here is the package contracted for the physical improvement in looks and soft skin of one very proud Poppy; that would be me.
For $2 for each of the team of Gracie, Boss Hawg, Bella, wanted to be Boss Hawg, and the new servant to the process, Ms Hopie, our resident African, the project began with Gracie marshaling all the necessary equipment of towels, Qtips, cups for the warm water, water, brushes combs, lotion, rubber bands and do-dads for my new hair-do. THEN I was requested to enter the salon, to lay across my bed on my back. I was coached in how to position my neck to the edge of the bed so the angle of the massage water, warm of course, would flow from my massaged head onto three levels of towels so not to wet the hardwood floor. It was a masterpiece in coordination. I was proud!
So with Boss Hawg delegating the work, assignment of specific tasks to each of her posse including herself, Poppy in place, laying on my stomach with head hanging off the bed with neck hurting, the one hour clock was triggered. The terms of the work: $2 for each worker / girl for 60 minutes of head, back, tummy massage, finger and toe nail washing, arm and knee-down lotioning, face massage with warm towel, more fingernail washing with Qtips, of course, and last but not least, the planting of the do-dads rubber banded into my wet hair that had been brushed, combed, washing, dried, combed and styled about eight times; a picture of perfection with all the orange and purple and blue thingies sticking out of my head in all directions. Boss Hawg, asking for my feedback, listened intently and thanked me for the "privilege of serving me tonight .." Priceless, right?
Now it is time to figure out the money distribution for the three girls which turned into a now ongoing discussion with Boss Hawg since "Bella took a long break" and "Hopie really was not doing her job too well," all in another location of the house. Wait, Boss Hawg has just handed me a hand written contract for price distribution proposal I guess I need to read. Thrown under the bus!?
So the negotiation of price or labor wage distribution will continue, they are huddling now as the three amigos to hit me up for more I am quite sure, waiting on Grammy to arrive to sweeten the pot by one US dollar. It's going to be fun but I tell you what it has been for the last hour for me ... An amazing journey with three precious young ladies that were focusing their sole attention of making me look and feel better. THAT is called P R I C E L E S S where I came from!
Oh, and during that sixty minute period I got to talk to each of them quietly about life, what they love, what they will be when they grow up, if I can come to their wedding, how much they love Jesus, if they want me to sing at their wedding, will Hopie by the flower girl both Grace and Bella's wedding, etc, etc.! Have had some wonderful one hour blocs in my life but have to say this last hour in the salon is ranking up there with the top one or two in my lifetime. I can hardly smile writing this for wanting to cry in how wonderful they have been, together with Poppy. So blessed!
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