Thursday, October 27, 2011

Solitude and Peace .... a Cocoon of Warmth!

No, not trying to go all poetic this morning but there is something special about this morning for some reason.  Have done my morning news scan and see all the exhilaration of the markets up and showing up for the day with the news of the EU deciding to "bail out" Greece (AGAIN) so today the world is inhaling the sweet savor of money making.  It is still dark and much cooler and I sit here alone thinking and reflecting on many things all of which, in the aggregate, leave me with this sense of, well, solitude and peace! That IS a good thing.  I guess you can say I am in a blessing counting mode this morning. You should try that some time, go ahead, try it today for regardless of the issues in your life, there are blessings abounding if we but look for them, right?

So just in the last twenty-four hours God has granted me, some of my blessings are health which is good since I have felt really bad with some heavy coughing and loss of voice all now gone.  Yesterday was very special in many ways but was capstoned by a phenomenal conversation with one of our warriors, scarred from protecting our country in his young life.  I was never more honored or impressed than that one hour investment with this young man.  And the bonus was I got to talk with him about his spiritual life and am being rewarded by he and his bride coming to my church Sunday and got to pray with this great Marine as we departed. Talk about a great morning!

Another blessing for me is the work I get to do which is the teaching that, again for me, is more like exploratory drilling for the riches of our tomorrow in these young minds I get to touch. Wow, what a phenomenal blessing that is for me and it energizes me, lifts me and makes me want to continually be better for them for they deserve it.

Our two children and their families are healthy, close and seeking God's Will in their lives and especially for their children. I love the values and work ethic I see in both of my children for that is a crown to me to see that ushered forth in so many ways. I love my family and am so humbled by that blessing when I see and hear of so much division, wrath and angst in far too many families.  Having grown up in a family environment rent with anger, alcohol and constant fear, it is such a blessing to realize that the family culture God has gifted us with is so far from that in our children and their children!

Another amazing element in my life is even when issues do arise with a student, the process that unfolds to correct the unsatisfactory behaviors and in seeing those behaviors turned to productive work is an absolute blessing.  It is at that apex I realize the nearly four decades of managing people and issues come to confluence in the methodology of my teaching to allow reaching into my quiver of experience to sooth, attack but always to correct bad behaviors.  When I think of the hundreds of people I have learned so much from in my life and to be able to utilize a word, a comment, a brush of brilliance I was exposed to in my working now with such great young minds; what a blessing!

Another element of life one must learn and usually the hard way is in choosing rightly those you will surround yourself with. As my students have heard me say many times, seek to surround yourself with people that will push you up and not pull you down.  Far too many prisoners have I met that will bring testament to that chalice of bad friends that drag you down.  Ridding oneself of those things and people that demean and impugn, as painful as it is, a right relationship with the God that gives us life is not an option but a mandate.  Maybe you have some house cleaning to do?  DO IT!

So yes, it is going to snow, the wars continue, the famines rage, lives continue to be wrecked and families left distraught but this morning I am choosing to rely and reflect on the blessings showered on me by a loving God.  One of my songs I love is, the Doxology;

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures hear below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Can I get a witness!

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