Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"we are lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success."

Let this sink in for a moment:  "we are lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success." This is a quote by Romney yesterday and it has resounded with me as I sit here readying for a full day of things going on.  The resonance came quickly and loudly for in those few words, he has captured the cultural norm of today in America in large part.  The media, the politics, the debt, the deficits, the ineptitude of political leadership, the recession, the rhetoric; all have painted we as a nation into a place where we really are being dragged down by a resentment of success which is exactly opposite of what brought this nation to it global prominence and wealth generation.  Americans, generally now are suspect of the wealthy and that, frankly, is very sad for it kills the fuel cells that drive the desire to gain wealth thus throwing more and more Americans on the soft mattress of government supports and safety nets. So sad, really!

This nation is great because great people fought bitterly and steadfastly to make something of themselves and as a result the nation was made stronger and wealthier. Yes there are and always have been and no doubt always will be those that will take advantage of the process and the fruits of wealth but I am just dumb enough to think that number is well into the twenty percent whereas the eighty plus percent are still those that long through effort, energy and risk seek to a place of wealth.  Wealth, not greed, is good if properly made and properly used.  The Free Market is founded on the principle of wealth generation. 

I always tell me students on day one that the much maligned Baby Boomers of which I am proudly one, generated more wealth than any generation in the history of Man.  Likewise, the generation after the Baby Boomers, the ones I stand in front of daily, will be the first generation since this nation was founded that will earn less wealth at the aggregate than the previous generation. That, again, is a sad testimony but it pretty much is what it is for an array of reasons. But let me speak to this generation I get to invest with if I may ...

This generation of twenty somethings carries as much capability as any I have seen including my generation.   I see drive, desire to succeed which translates, sadly, to desire to escape but then didn't we all have that same drive for I know I certainly did at that age?  I see a generation in surround sound of wireless devices that too many times are used for nonproductive purposes instead of harnessing the phenomenal power of potential the wireless devices present us.  I see a generation in many ways scarred by war physically and emotionally.  My generation saw our fathers returning from WWII never to talk about the experience.  This generation is pretty much detached, for the most part, from those that choose to wear the warrior cloth which, for me, is something that concerns me. I see a generation that has grown up in a world of safety nets of entitlement, broken families, marriages, divorce is the norm instead of the exception, etc, etc.

In other words, this generation is wired differently than mine which is certainly not all bad. They are a generation where FB is not amazing but rather it is simply, well, another way of communication. I have found humor in coming to understand from these young folks that they are moving more toward Twitter and away from FB for their parents and grandparents have embraced FB so therefore they are looking for safe haven from the eyes of those parents and grandparents for we the BB were always embracers; just another example even in our sixties.

But let me close by restating the genesis of this writ; "we are lifted up by our desire to succeed, not dragged down by a resentment of success." It is my greatest challenge and hope in my teaching and leading and exampling of these young minds that they will be inspired to rise above the chains, the resentment of success and aspire kinetically to lift themselves and their future generation to desire to succeed and succeed on a grand scale.

This is a great generation and it is for us, the "older kids" to teach, coach, encourage, direct, push, scream, bleed, be relentless, etc, etc in our role as the generation with less years in front of us than we do behind us to invest in this generation. Honestly, it excites me every time I have time with these young folks for I see such potential IF they will throw off the chains of anchoring them in the mire of safety nets.  By the way, each of us reading this has a stake in this venture for these young folks for I have five grand children ages nine and under and realize there is more I can do to be part of their future as well. 

TODAY, find one of these futurists and add a star to his or her wagon of tools they are developing. Believe me, it will make you feel better about yourself for having taken the time and energy to invest your capital into these young minds ... there ARE worth it!

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% with the idea behind this blog I am 37 years old so Im not a baby boomer or a 20 something but I believe that most of the young people I come in contact with from day to day do neeed to do exactly that, take accountability, and come from under the safety net. Once this happens they will be able to begin to come in contact with thier potential which is endless.
