Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Following the gold ...

I had recorded from The Military History Channel a program entitled, "Following the Nazi Gold."  I finally watched it last night and it was, well, compelling.  Sure, some of the documentary was biased and slanted and overly poisonous at times which is normal for showmanship but still I was compelled to think deeply about what I saw and what I see, wondering if there is a linkage from history to today into tomorrow on such a horrid topic.

Having researched and studied Hitler's ability, sinister at best, to rouse a sleeping giant called Germany and then to rally that giant focused on global dominance and then to see through the lens of history the various military, diplomatic, economic and political arms of the regime is quite amazing when viewed through the microscope of history.  Not until watching that documentary did it hit me that a major driver for the rapid national expansions of the Nazi effort was to take over the financial assets of gold and currency and fine art of the conquered nation.

In other words, Hitler was driving his armies rapidly to capture entire nations thus collaterally able to glean the spoils of the victories to pay for further expansions; a cause and effect reality.  But the ace in Hitler's hole was, of course, Switzerland that was complicit in so many ways with the world allowing, wrongly, to grant Switzerland a "neutral nation" status that was abused and used by the Nazi war effort.  I just found all of that very interesting and especially since I had not connected those dots myself prior.

But then as I went to bed with all of that rumbling through the cerebellum, I began thinking if all of that strategic orchestration, sick but masterful frankly, is feasible in a globalized, wireless world of the 21st century with the threat of nuclear always in the nostrils of our world?  Could there be a "Hitler" smart enough, strong enough, astute enough, driven enough to put together a multi-layered strategic plan as Hitler and his henchmen did and execute it so ruthlessly but yet so efficiently today? 

As I watch the rapid escalation and elevation of the BRICS led by the Chinese, I wonder.  As I watch China more than double its military spend as a percent of GDP while the post WWII powers military spend continues to be reduced due to debt / interest / entitlement requirements, I wonder.  As I watch entire regions, Asia and South America strengthen around one central nation in that region; I wonder.  As I watched the post WWII powers wallowing and bowing to the BRICS which is a far cry from the role America and later England and Germany played at the global diplomatic chess game of the 20th century, I wonder!

So on this still dark Wednesday morning, I have awakened with this deep gnawing that America needs to gain traction and firm footing to stand tall against the winds of terror that exist in our world.  The world needs America to be that strong, agile, mean force that keeps the bad people looking over their shoulder.  For those that think America does not nor should be the cop on the global beat, just look around and see what that beat now looks like with a weakened cop, the US, and see if you like what you see!  Today's headlines across the world are predicting early withdrawal from Afghanistan as we raced to leave Iraq; how is that working out for us? Not too well for the violence continues, the threat of a nuclear Iran looms larger and I believe history will paint those withdrawals as it has for the 1975 withdrawal from Vietnam; a strategic military loss! 

I want the world to fear America for I believe fundamentally that the foundation of respect is fear and we have managed to pretty much flitter that away by giving way to dictators and tyrants instead of punishing them relentlessly as Mr. Hitler and Mr. Mussolini experienced. I sense our current Mr. Hitler, our man in Iran, feels no real fear of the US war machine thus why should be be restrained from his spoken aim of annihilating the Jewish state, right?

But I believe a greater and perhaps the greatest concern I see in our nation on a grand scale is that our citizenry has lost fear and thus respect for a Sovereign God; that same God upon whose principles this nation was built and a Constitution that chartered this nation on those Godly principles. Hitler's rise and regime was built on a godless doctrine and millions died as a result.  We, today, are in a growing godless society and all the societal malformations that go with that such as our beliefs about what a marriage really is, disregard for human life, abominable acts around the world, atheism outpacing evangelical religion, etc, etc.  Can you see the parallel to a Hitler Germany and all the horrors and malcontents of that Germany to an America that has forsaken the very founding principles upon which our nation was chartered?  I can and it is very disheartening and scary for my grandchildren and their world.

We are at the Easter season, the most Holiest of all the seasons when we celebrate the death, burial and RESURRECTION of our Risen Savior.  My prayer is that this Easter will be marked as a high water mark for all that is pulling us down as people return to the precious sweetness and love our Sovereign God has gifted us with if we will but accept it and turn from our terrible societal ways.  This nation has become the children of Israel at the base of Sinai carousing sinfully while Moses was with God on the mountain. That Bible story has taken on a new life with me after that documentary I watched.

Be blessed and that is a choice!

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