Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bumper sticker? really?

Last night I watched a recorded program of CHARLIE ROSE which I normally always enjoy for he interviews guests in a bare fisted, straight ahead approach. The guest for the hour, I cannot recall his name which does not matter, was pontificating on the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage; so I watched and listened. He, a lawyer, was also one of the "Freedom Riders" in the 1960s that came to Mississippi which he spoke about as a reference point to his position. He, like many, have tied this whole same-sex matter as this generation's "civil rights" marches of the 1960s. I remember well those marches and issues as a young boy in Alabama. I have heard all the old, graying voices now living from those days hearken the same commentary to rationalize same-sex marriage and homosexuality as right because it "equals" minorities to the main population.

This man went to say, as I changed the channel, that the only defense of this "right" is nothing but a "bumper sticker that reads marriage is one man and one woman." A bumper sticker? A direct quote from God's Word in Genesis is a "bumper sticker?" This man was absolutely sure the SCOTUS would overwhelmingly legalize the institution of "same sex marriage" for it is the only right thing to do. We are seeing corporations, politicians, business leaders, churches, denominations, academics, etc, etc, buying into this same "equal" rationalization which, so you can know, do not mean it is right for it violates clearly the Word of God and the Law of Land; lest we forget.

I hear over and over that we "Christians" should quietly love these people through this which I do not disagree with .. too much! I believe Christians, as with any change, requires taking a position, being active, standing your ground, taking the criticism with Scriptural refuting but not arguing for the sake of arguing. Will that be popular? You have read enough negative shots at on these pages from previous positions I have taken to know that when you stake out a position, you will be criticized.  I have been Unfriended, threatened in harsh terms, angered people, been warmly embraced and supported and defended by many others.  When I choose to take a position, it is never because I am seeking to curry favor with any group but rather when my heart is pained on a societal issue, I will pray about should I say something or not. Then and only then to I begin to let me mind flow to my fingers in putting thoughts to words. 

For me at sixty-five years of age of a reasonable intelligence and a man that cares about this world through the prism of what the Bible says is very clear about, trying to move a wrong such as institutionalizing marriage between a woman and a woman or a man and a man by linking it the terrible wrong on a whole people of a generation ago does not calculate for it is truly apples and oranges. I love people if you know me. I love people that strive for the best they can be. There is not one thing right about this same-sex issue regardless of all the political pressure, money or even peer pressure. I know what the Bible says and nothing nor a poll will alter that reality. So as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord as dictated by the Holy Bible.
Christians, Do Not Be Kept silent and inactive on this matter but I see evidence that too many are doing just that.  This is societal decay that is being chipped more deeply into our daily lives to the point too many are numb to it.  I have just seen where Marie Osmond has embraced homosexuality supposedly because her daughter is now openly gay.  Fact is, it matters not whether it is Marie Osmond, Hillary Clinton or Betsy Ross, wrong is wrong.
Remember, if you do not stand for something you will fall for anything. Stand for what is Right in the eyes of God!

1 comment:

  1. Amen and AMEN brother! I count friends and relatives among the gay community and love them as individuals. I, along with you, am crystal clear that whatever else they may be, they will NEVER be married in God's eyes to another person of the same sex. The holy sacrament of marriage between one man and one woman is blessed by the Almighty.

    I don't believe that any gay person should be penalized or disadvantaged by society because of their sexuality. Perhaps it is simply that our vocabulary has not been equal to the task of differentiating between the Holy rite of marriage and whatever it is that two persons of the same sex wish to call their union.

    No matter if you are a "creationist" or a "Darwinist" one fact is absolutely true. If homosexuality were the rule, there would BE no human race: it could not reproduce! God doesn't make mistakes like that in his creation and natural selection would wipe out this deviation from the "norm" if it were the rule of nature.

    So call it what you want - just don't call it marriage. That word has centuries old definition in every culture I'm aware of and it also has a specific definition which come from the Holy Bible.

    'Nuf said,
