Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Wake Up Call for America -- I Hope!

I did not sleep too well for some reason so got up at 4 am to get my first dose of electoral results from yesterday. Nothing I have seen surprised me meaning the Republicans have dominated the political landscape nationally and at state levels.  There will be much jubilation and wound licking in the next day or so and even greater angst spewed at Obama in his first six years as what I will term, The Big Fizzle, which is well deserved but that is not where my heart is this morning.  I believe the election results, at the aggregate, are a referendum on how badly our nation has moved from our global role as leader, protector, beacon of hope and mountaintop of opportunity.
For me perhaps the most telling and most disturbing thing I saw through this last twenty-four hours is an indictment on this POTUS was an in depth interview and discussion on Charlie Rose with Mark Halperin and another man that works with Halpein that co-chair a new political program for Bloomburg News. I have watched Halperin often and find him credible as I do Rose; so I listen to their insight.  Rose asked the question of the two talented, connected me what they felt Obama needed to do and would do in his remaining two years as POTUS assuming, then, the Republicans took over the Senate and strengthened the House which, we know now, is what has been rendered?  The dialog was not only disappointing but absorbingly worrying for fundamentally both men felt Obama would not go into a passionate mode in this new reality, build relationships he has chosen to not do in his first six years and that they doubted Congress nor the nation would see much difference for "Obama just does not want to nor sees the need to be that way."
Remember when George W. took his infamous "thumpin"? He made light of it, stepped back, changed course and sought to build bridges, to his credit, he did to some degree. At least he saw the need to do something different and embarked on a journey to change course and behavior for the sake of the Nation.  In other words paraphrasing the comments last evening, the apparent Obama arrogance and intellect will preclude any additional effort to be part of fixing this morass he has helped create but will stand on the sideline with Executive Order ink being spilled far too much thus bypassing the hard Constitutional work of working with Congress! That is sad and borders on criminal if correct and I can only believe from what I have seen that that prediction will in fact be correct.
I wanted to see this early morning how the Asian markets were reacting to the Obama Thumping and sure enough, the US dollar strength has escalated against the Yen to a seven year high and the Dow Futures show a markedly improved performance meaning the Dow in America should reflect well by higher numbers while gold and oil remain unique low in price. All that translates by the markets in Asia liking the Thump in belief America will now be a better partner for progress to which I say, we will see!
See, for me, I am perfectly neutral on the implication of the predictable election results.  Americans are scared and jittery and have lost faith in our POTUS; I have admittedly for I have seen next to nothing from this POTUS that causes me to be proud or happy and joyous about what I have watched. I have seen arrogance, disconnect, miscues, pull back, placating and what I believe is a lifestyle too lavish.   There will still be some reading this that will rationalize my comments as the age old and now worn out Racism excuse but Obama's own electorate have soured and gone to the mattresses with such blatant poor performance and politicking over leading behavior. I know I certainly am exhausted in wondering just what can get messed up next instead of like watching a Peyton Manning lead a team knowing he will do something to make the win a reality.  I think America longs and yearns for a"quarterback" that wants and can win the big games regardless of pressure, crowd noise, etc.  THAT is what true leaders do; THEY AVOID THE NOISE and find a way to win. 
My concern, now, is that Obama is tired, wants only to burnish a historical Presidency on its hard to find merits and just get the whole thing over.  My as well concern is that the Thumping by the Republicans will turn into an all out war with the Republicans turning cannibalistic with their adversaries as well as their own ranks.  NOW is the time for Boehner and McConnell to be the big boys in the house and embrace, drive, change; be the winners I believe and hope they can be and in a partnership with Obama. So we will see won't just how long this party lasts for the world and our enemies are watching!
America is not better this morning just because of yesterday. America is sick, hurting and disjointed for lack of political leadership. So yesterday prayerfully will be a wake up call for a new light on the hill top that both parties will light and keep shining brightly for the world to navigate as ISIL grows, our values debase, our citizenry divided.  My plea is for the leaders to embrace the differences that are many and blatant and LEAD THIS COUNTRY!

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