Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Days Ahead

Here we reside now facing into the mist of a new year. For some it is with trepidation, for some joy and excitement, for some fear and discouragement.  The year we are just finishing has shown We the People that our world is more sinister, more violent, more corrupt than any of us could have ever imagined.  Many are pained by the leadership of our nation and I am one.  So many are changing their very way of living because of the terrorist attack fear.  We see the societal values evaporating at a pace thought unimaginable. Terms like "same-sex marriage" have become as typical in use of the term "sunshine."  Drug addiction led by alcohol has become rampant at a pace the general population cannot fathom and most not know want to think about its horrific consequences. I could expand this litany into chapters but you see where I am going; our world is in a morass with no sense of recovery from the plummet.  Please never forget that I personally am the perpetual optimist!

Over the holiday period we have had much family around us in various configurations to include the whole "herd" gathered. I have had time with my growing grand children from six to now thirteen. Each are an amazing creation and amalgamation of genetics and culture.  I find myself staring at each of them playing back their time on this earth with us as they mature, invest themselves in their various activities, friendships; the cycle of youth is amazing and made more amazing I think because of my age. 

When you realize that tipping point when you know there are more days behind you than there are days in front of you, the essence of life begins a rapid transition. Some will try to ignore, some will embrace it and some will crawl in a time warp of worry and whining about getting old.  I, for one, have embraced for, frankly, there is very little about my life looking through the rear view mirror that I would change for the place of the journey today is so very filled with blessings.

Obviously, none of us can view into the mists of tomorrow but that puts us squarely on the footing of choosing to be ready for what resides ahead.  I am not a worrier and am certainly not concerned about life after this life is done for I believe through my faith in God that the best is yet to come. Many will read this and simply nod their head or blow  it off but I believe those words more powerfully than ever before.

Seeing so many pass each year with many of those younger than myself always causes me to take pause and ponder. Being in the presence of vast numbers of elderly people through my singing ministry each week, I realize each of those dear people have and are touching my life in very unique ways. I sincerely feel I have gained so many new "brothers, sisters, parents and grand parents" into my life in these last three years that my "family" grows closer to me each day.

Getting to sing and speak about Heaven, the Holy Spirit and Christ in encouraging the array of people to be sure they are ready for eternity has become one of the high spots of my lifetime for I know the motivation is founded on their betterment more than mine. That, for me, qualifies as the definition of a blessing!

Our world ahead as viewed from the earthly dimension is bleak at best.  I am choosing to not pontificate on the elements of that bleakness in my writings for I find my writs do not bring much light to the darkness but rather creates via social media a forum for expression that often times becomes poisonous and thus adds no value. But it is truly amazing to me at how Facebook as evolved as the currency of communication so rapidly.  Simply amazing!

I do not predict! I do watch things, events, people closely and assume a direction of the connected dots that form a portrait. The portrait I see is not filled with light and grand hopes.  

There is far too much government in our lives. There is this cancer of entitlement eating away our future. This cop hating has grown to something more fearful to me than ISIL and Americans are allowing bullying as are our political leaders by these "movements" that will grow worse as they are allowed to escalate violence.

Here is my fallback position: God is in control! The rest is academic noise. So my advice on new year is to stay focused on God's Word and its principles that are so very clear. I promise to write more often as many have asked of late; thank you for caring enough to encourage that. I only want to always be a light in a dark world via the gift of encouragement.

Be blessed!

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