That is a term I rarely use for it connotes a state of aberrant, unreal, unsavory behaviors and actions. Today we see and now learn of the intentional crashing of the German jetliner apparently intending to kill all 150 on board. We see Saudi Arabia now running bombing missions over Yemen. The flames of racism in America rage more hotly only drowned out currently with the terrible news of the airline debacle but give it another 24 hour news cycle and it will re-emerge. All the while the more concerning matter for me is the POTUS / CONGRESS epic debacle and I still find in some sick way, fearful, at times humorous, but all the time a waste of time and taxpayer monies or even more borrowed monies from nations that like us less each year. Dealing with Iran, which I consider the serpent of the Middle East is being allowed to more deeply dominate the Shia-led Middle East against Sunnis --- why is that?
You know, like somebody told me once, it is what it is! So, there you have it, it simply is what it is. It is not my intent in this blog to bang the drum of fear and worry or cast dispersions on leadership even though it is so tempting and so much to select from. Better, during choir practice last night, I found myself more than usual really ingesting the meaning of the lyrics as we lead into the wonder of the Easter season via music with our choir.
Easter is not about eggs or candy or new clothes but about a resurrection of a Man that came to this earth, lived a short life, ministered but a very few years, baffled all that knew him, saw him, experienced him including his earthly parents. But reading the Bible through page after page from Genesis 1:1, we are now in Luke chapter 5, the intricate piecing of God's Will from Genesis 1 on through the Old Testament is simply amazing as you realize more than ever the master plan God has for his people. Why is that important? It is vital to realize that the plan is still unfolding and that God is truly in charge of all the craziness so why should we that claim Christ as our Savior fret and worry about the world around us, right? Absolutely, said he!
As we enter the Easter season, there is so much evidence of Satan's ploys and handiwork all about us in society, in our churches, in our leadership, in our businesses and certainly in our government. Finding ourselves in the age of Toleration meaning everything and everyone must be tolerated regardless of actions and philosophies fundamentally beckons the fact that there are no longer absolutes. As many of you have heard me say and read from me, Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong and no amount of Wrong will ever, EVER, make a Wrong, Right! The breadth and depth of Wrong which is deemed acceptable, encouraged, forced legally, etc is simply abominable to me in our nation. Women marrying women and then seeking artificial insemination to raise a child in that aberrant setting is something I still cannot get my mind around. That is just one of far too many examples of loss of societal mores and values that are now deemed right and proper.
Here is all I know! I know that I have trusted my life on this earth and after this life to a God that loves me. I know life is too good to be squandered and wasted. Like the song says, I serve a rise Savior, he's in the world today. I know that he is living no matter what men may say. I see his hand of mercy, I hear his voice of cheer AND JUST THE TIME I NEED HIM he's always near! Let that lyric from the Bible through the talent of a song writer many years ago wash you this day.
I wish each of you a Happy Easter and never forget what the Easter is about; Death and RESURRECTION! Listen to the Hallelujah Chorus in the next few days and really listen to the words in addition to the majestic sounds of the music.
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