As the world has watched the unfolding of events leading to the Israeli Prime Minister addressing the US Congress earlier this week, many have polarized into varying categories of pro versus con and usually along partisan lines; certainly no surprise. I watched the PM speech which was compelling, potent and I felt was very clear in making the case from the Israeli perspective why any and all actions needed to cease Iran's nuclearization had to be stopped with or without the US or the Europeans. I was especially impressed with his delivery and connectivity to his audience. Much has been made, rightly so, about our President and the continuing distancing and dance he appears to be playing with Israel and the Jewish people. So whether if you like Obama or not via my words this morning, it really does not matter to me for this reason...
My wife and I each morning have been on a journey to read the Bible beginning with Genesis 1:1 and have completed the Old Testament Wednesday morning. So the words from the Scriptures are still very fresh to me as we have trod this OT pathway leading to the coming of Christ which is prophesied so much and so many times in the OT as we are now into the Book of Matthew in the New Testament. Inherent in the OT readings and discussions as viewed in the light of the current events outlined in the opening paragraph above, distancing or seeking to inflict hurt on Israel is a dangerous, deadly venture which I believe this President has chosen to play thus dragging our entire nation closer to the consequences of unfriending Israel. Nation after nation stands boldly now, except America, proclaiming Iran, the former Persia, as the great Satan of the Middle East and is the epicenter of terrorist funding, training and strategic utilization of these vipers of death and destruction. Yet, America via this President has chosen a path that pits an American / Iranian alliance against Israel on this prolific issue of nuclearization. I find that of great interest in light of Obama's continuing refusal to call these radicals of Islam what they are and attack the culprits with full force to annihilate the threat to the US and to the world.
Almost daily as I watch this unfold I continue to want so badly to embrace this Administration, to see good flowing from it and to hear the poisonous rhetoric aimed at Obama turned to words of pride and praise by the population. But almost daily it honestly seems like he gets up each morning with a new plan to further wedge America against the rest of the world via more doubts about himself, his loyalties and his aims for this country; the country the world turned to for help, direction, protection and support up until roughly 2008. To call this a murderous set of events and appearances is a gross understatement. I have chosen to not engage the age old birth certificate witch hunt for I believe, for I want to believe, a man of Obama's stature made it to the top as the Constitution dictates. But actions do speak much louder than words and with each speech, each appearance and this latest childish rejection of the Israeli PM only adds to my concern about the man, Obama, and his real aims and ambitions. I realize after six years, I simply do not trust his motives and that says a great deal for me to put those words together for I want so badly to be proud of my president and my nation; so very badly!
But for me due to the reading of the Old Testament from page one you see very clearly that many nations and peoples have sought to eradicate the Jewish people long before the Holocaust in the 20th century and Iran is very public with their desire to eliminate Israel from the map and thus its people; a people and a nation America has sworn to defend since my birth year of 1948. Yet now this president has positioned and postured America to be siding with the Persian empire and its vile leadership against protecting Israel. Every time a nation in the OT has challenged Israel and taken steps to eliminate the nation, calamity of epic proportion has ensued and I believe that same ensuance will show itself toward the US if this pathway is continued which Obama, Kerry and many of the Democrats are choosing to make a reality it seems to me.
On this issue, there are many things, but one thing about the Bible and thus God's promise and assurance, HE WILL PROTECT HIS PEOPLE which is Israel and the Jewish people. Never would I have imagined I would have seen an American president guide this nation into such dire straits with Israel while seemingly quasi embracing, certainly not attacking, the enemies of Israel in the form of Iran, ISIL, AQAP and the other beehive of terrorists in Islam. Are we at war with Islam is a commonly asked question? It seems to me that Islam has declared war on America but we are choosing to parse instead of defend. Please know that I hope so badly that I am wrong on all of this stacking up evidence but daily the evidence is becoming more and more compelling. The world needs America to be the big, strong, no nonsense force in the world but our national leadership in a troubled world has waned and weakening on this President's watch which means, to me, a cunning, strategic plan is being unfurled in many varied yet lethal at the aggregate actions or inactions.
Here is all I know, America cannot and must not turn our back on Israel in its mandate to stand against the forces of Iran, aka Persia, for the entire world is put at threat should Iran become a nuclear force and I have no doubt that if what I am seeing from Obama, Kerry, etc, that is precisely what will come to reality sooner than later. God is unequivocal in His position about protecting His people, Israel. We are talking about the final pieces of the end of this earth coming together oh so quickly and Iran will play a part in those final steps I believe. The EU nations reforming into the ten nation confederacy of the old Holy Roman Empire is part of that architecture of the End Times so am watching daily to see how the EU borders as we know them will be melting away and melting they will; watch it!
These are very interesting and yes, epically dangerous times. This whole ISIL view is amazing to me strategically to see how such a supposed rag tag bunch, gang of gangs, has stymied the world. Why is that; because the beat cop of the world, America, has remained insolent and impotent via this lack of leadership by the Commander-in-Chief through divisional partisan politics. I do not want to believe our nation, America, is under threat of a strategic and moral paradigm shift away from the very principles that made us great but again, evidence speaks loudly does it not?
The world needs America strong, vibrant, vigilant and yet aggressive when needed. I think the world no longer sees America through that lens so the Putins and Persians of the world, now Venezuela for example, are flexing their muscle from the base of why not, nobody is there for us to fear. And did I forget North Korea in my short list!
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