A few days ago after taking a full day, well, most of a day, on a news fast, I turned on CNN last evening before going to bed and within fifteen minutes of watching, I was yet again brought to the harsh reality of how interconnected and torn our global village really has become. For me at the core of this new normal is what I believe is the misdirection of the United States for it, we, have been the citadel of strength, decision making, strength projection and protector of the world for nearly eight decades. Given that as backdrop, I decided to write Obama via his whitehouse.gov a short letter expressing my concern and frustration that has been generated under his leadership a couple of days earlier. I post it next for it the created many people that like the way the case is made. I have not yet heard from Obama and doubt I will but here is what I sent him on his website:
Mr.Obama, have chosen to remain news-free today until about ten minutes ago. In that ten minutes I realized on the CNN reporting that the terrorists cancer called ISIL is a lava flow that is moving from Japan to Venezuela, many nations in the Middle East with the diplomatic corps folks being targeted. So given that, Sir, I pose this question to you .. as the Commander-in-Chief of my nation, how in your six years have you allowed such alarming threats throughout the world? We see you playing a dangerous game of blackjack with Iran, the key enemy in the Middle East as we watched you cow tow to the Middle Eastern kings now supporting ISIL at the beginning of your tenure. We see Russia reconstructing the Mother Russia and it seems Mr Putin is unharmed in his quest so how would you respond to that as well, Sir? This is not a political nor a racist set of questions, Sir but questions posed by an American citizen that no longer believes you know what you are doing. I believe you have surrounded yourself with people that are either immature, stupid or sinister telling you everything is good. The political conundrum in Washington, Mr. President, is yours to sort out as well for you are the CEO of this once great nation. Oh, and you have singlehandedly broken intimate relations with Israel. So, just asking, is all of this part of a master plan or it is the result of poor leadership, poor intelligence or what, Sir?
Mr.Obama, have chosen to remain news-free today until about ten minutes ago. In that ten minutes I realized on the CNN reporting that the terrorists cancer called ISIL is a lava flow that is moving from Japan to Venezuela, many nations in the Middle East with the diplomatic corps folks being targeted. So given that, Sir, I pose this question to you .. as the Commander-in-Chief of my nation, how in your six years have you allowed such alarming threats throughout the world? We see you playing a dangerous game of blackjack with Iran, the key enemy in the Middle East as we watched you cow tow to the Middle Eastern kings now supporting ISIL at the beginning of your tenure. We see Russia reconstructing the Mother Russia and it seems Mr Putin is unharmed in his quest so how would you respond to that as well, Sir? This is not a political nor a racist set of questions, Sir but questions posed by an American citizen that no longer believes you know what you are doing. I believe you have surrounded yourself with people that are either immature, stupid or sinister telling you everything is good. The political conundrum in Washington, Mr. President, is yours to sort out as well for you are the CEO of this once great nation. Oh, and you have singlehandedly broken intimate relations with Israel. So, just asking, is all of this part of a master plan or it is the result of poor leadership, poor intelligence or what, Sir?
It is my belief that Americans, on a scale I have not witnessed in my time as an adult, are more concerned and fearful of the direction of our nation than ever before. We are in a place where the poison of racism is chewing away the fabric of dialog thus no objective conversation can be had. We, therefore, are in a general state of our uniformed police being viewed and treated not as protectors of the public but as Gestapo that are only out to see how many nonwhite people they can destroy today; how sick is that? I see poll numbers from CNN and WSJ and others that clearly indicates that the American people do not believe Obama is leading well, that America is moving in a bad direction, that Obama has kindled more of the fires of racism during this time as POTUS than any president in history. These statements are not mine even though I concur but rather by professionally conducted polling. But polls usually mean little to me please know. But what I see, hear and seek to understand coming out of Washington at both ends of Pennsylvania is troubling beyond what I have ever see. Core to that concern is this strange game being played with Iran.
During my lifetime Iran has proven over and over again they are a nation no other nation can trust and America certainly has been stained with Iranian manipulation more than most yet here is America under Obama and Kerry dilly dallying with an empire of deceit, wrong and aspiring hegemony in the region and probably more and them getting nuclear capability certainly advances that aim. Perhaps I am wrong and please know I hope I am but all evidence to the contrary, I simply do not understand what Obama is trying to do.
I fight everyday, EVERYDAY, to believe the best from him and his leadership for our nation but seemingly everyday, EVERYDAY, there is more evidence causing me to believe that he is not willing to call a spade a spade meaning that it is in fact Islam that we are at war with and ISIL and the other affiliate linkages comprising a powerful, potent and deadly killing machine to accomplish strategic goals. All of this in a cacophony of dissent and warning from intelligence experts, Congress, media around the world so the evidence, for me at least, indicates Obama via Kerry are playing their own very deadly, dastardly diplomatic game with the lives of my grandchildren and our American way of life in general.
As I indicated in my letter to him, this is not political nor racist when I state that I simply do not trust nor believe in this man's leadership, his aims, his aspirations. I think an icon of this swamp I believe he has not created but has exacerbated and fueled was just before going to bed last night watching about five minutes of another, ANOTHER, CNN panel facilitated by Don Lemmon, trying to discuss among a group of about six or eight the whole Michael Brown issue and sadly funny but telling, nobody could even finish a thought or express a clear opinion without being loudly interrupted and challenged. In that five minutes I saw the torn cloth of America, the America I love, served, live and want to have again in a new darkened hue. But that America has been ripped from us and we have a now new whole generation that will never know America as the great protector, career potential nation I have seen in my nearly seven decades.
How would I describe me as an American today? Disappointed. Fed up. Hurt to see such a great place turned so mean and sour toward each other. A concerned citizen that simply cannot get my mind around what this POTUS is doing. Totally frustrated with this thing called Congress and its gridlock and ineptitude. A man that is blessed to have been in a nation for a life and a career but have thunderclouds of concern about what happens to my family in the days ahead. A leadership watcher that has determined the nation's leaders has taken and allowed our nation to move into the back alleys of hate and despair. A case study in not listening to what We the People are saying at the ballot box but instead going down a dangerous path most of us do not understand. Knowing from my years of reading and research that God's chosen people, the Jews, and their nation Israel, must be supported and protected but seeing this POTUS unilaterally severing ties and pulling back support for Israel. There will be a very heavy price to pay for this I believe. FYI I fully believe Israel must and will take the offensive against Iran for it is their national survival that is at stake. So we will then get to see just where America stands with Israel and right now I believe we will do what we have been doing with ISIL, VA, IRS, Benghazi, ObamaCare, etc, etc which is fundamentally nothing.
You either lead, follow or get out of the way the old adage goes. Sadly, I believe our nation, my nation's leadership style is to get out of the way. Another adage I like is that if you are going to run with the big dogs you have to get off the front porch; I believe Obama enjoys the porch as a platform to pontificate but not articulate truthfully with the American people. There is the stench of sinister actions and activities emanating through all of this in our nation which I want to not smell or even contemplate but seemingly not attacking the forces of evil and aligning and playing footsie with those dark forces at the expense of nations, Israel, we are committed to defend and protect is frankly frightening. Many write and say that do not know how America can stand another two years under this President. I will close by stating that I want my President to lead and be successful. I see no evidence that those diamonds will be his legacy and worse, our nation will be viewed as a second tier nation as China ascends the podium of leadership for the global village.
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