Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Do As I Say Do, Not As I Do, Please?

In today's NY Times is an editorial by Maureen Doud about the Tour going on in Iowa with big buses, manicured town hall landscapes, the global media, etc, etc.  The terrain is serene and "farmy" and lots of restaurant stops and hand shakes, baby holds, photo ops; you get my point?  It is called CAMPAIGNING!  Which is fine I suppose when time avails, the GDP is growing, we have just a couple of skirmishes underway in Afghanistan and Iraq,  the Makers of the Mess, Congress, are home CAMPAIGNING while Rome and Washington and Berlin and Paris and Madrid and other world capitals burn if you get my illustration and analogy.  In fact I will give you the link so you can read her work:

I really glean no pleasure nor satisfaction "beating" up on politicians for I have some good friends that have chosen that path and they are good people.  But at the Presidential and Congressional level I must, today, make exception.  I watched the Prez field the questions in his smooth, easy style which is quite impressive for he is a very articulate, intelligent man.  But in the midst of the hoopla yesterday while I watched the coverage on CNN I heard one comment by a commentator about Mr. Obama out working hard "on the stump" but still with his "hand on the throttle" of the global issues then tell the world that, oh, by the way, he and Michelle will be at Martha's Vineyard next for at $50,000 rental for that week and I found myself transformed to ANGRY.
Much has been made about the extravagant lifestyle of the First Family.  There is a certain lifestyle due the POTUS but ... unemployment still at 9%, NOTHING yet done except appointing another commission called the Debt Busters while Congress still resides in their plush home states CAMPAIGNING; it just all feels false, insincere and aloof to we the people at least to this "people" this morning.  A great friend has taught me one principle of life ... people will only do what the leader inspects and said another way, you can only expect what you, the leader, are willing to inspect.  Assess the validity and implication of that principle against he context of the Tour!
Charging Bernanke with treason is actually humorous and made funnier by an accented Governor that seems to have taken voice / accent lessons from "W" and swagger lessons from that same Dr Bush; remember when asked about his, W's, swagger, he retorted "they call it walking in Texas."  I know nothing of Mr. Perry nor do I care to at this point. What I do care about is that this nation is in meltdown mode it appears to me from all the indicators I view and the Japanese, who know a think or two about meltdowns, seem to be doing more about our problem than we are .. but the Tour continues right up to another extravagant week's vacation transported on Marine One and whatever else the "Beast" and its regalia and security will be transported as well.  It just all seems so wrong and artificial to me this morning.
I believe We the People deserve better, frankly.  As I have stated before from much experience, it is one thing to talk about and around a problem but it is quite another to target the problem and unleash multiple salvos of weaponry upon that problem.  I see the lips moving. I see the Tour.  I see Congress away. I DO NOT SEE anyone attacking the debt issue. By the way, this is far greater than simply a debt issue. This is a Constitutional-level disaster we are watching while the Tour goes forward. 
So I really do not care what Bachmann, Romney, Perry, Dr. Seuss, nor Santa has to say right now for it is all rhetoric and great media but it is unfocusing those we have elected and pay well to right this Great Ship. But where are the sailors ... CAMPAIGNING!  Just makes me want to throw up, there, I feel better now! Simply astounding to me.  Not a person reading this would operate, could operate, their homes and lives like this governmental leadership is displaying; at least for very long!
Yes, Dem, Rep, Ind, Tea ... really, you make me not proud as I used to be to be an American and that, frankly, is criminal I believe.! I deserve better as do the other 305,000,000 Americans not only watching the circus but then we get to pay for the clean up when the elephants and monkeys of this circus move on to the next stump or vacation villa. "Get your broom and mop, Bubba, because you gonna need it for a very long time." Wait, is that what my President means about being shovel ready? Oh, now I understand! 
I do not apologize for the cynicism for it really sad to think of the Trumans, the FDRs, the Reagans of our storied history that rose to the challenges they face.  I simply keep looking but do not see ANYONE out there rising to this ocassion which is framing a much differnt world in the 21st century.  It appears America has truly flittered away our greatness as sickening as that sounds if what I have watched closely in the last several months is indicative ... and it is very indicative!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, sir! I could not agree more. I look to the current Washington-ites and the budding Washington-ites and I see no reason to be hopeful. Not a true leader among any of them.

    Love the AWESOME point about not being as proud as you used to be. I had never really thought of it, and in this day and age of Super Patriotism it's almost blasphemous, but I have to agree with you 100%.

    Great work, sir!
